Originally posted by Michael GIf you get a good chess book with examples and tips, you can also improve. The reason you a re losing is that you are making mistakes or "book errors". Do you have a library that you can borrow from as most libraries have decent chess books?
Good morning everyone, I'm a novice at chess although I think the only way to get better is to play more with both novices and well maintained people, so pls do not hesitate to challenge. I'm up for it a little schooling never hurt. So bring it!
Originally posted by z00tWhat good is knowing something is an error without knowing why it's an error?
If you get a good chess book with examples and tips, you can also improve. The reason you a re losing is that you are making mistakes or "book errors". Do you have a library that you can borrow from as most libraries have decent chess books?
From a glance at two of your games, you are simply dropping pieces. Read RahimK s Getting to 1400 thread. In essence what you need to do is ask yourself before every move what is my opponent threatening? are any of my pieces/pawns attacked?
If you aren't familiar with pins, forks, skewers, whirlwinds etc. (your basic tactical motifs) become so. A basic tacits books will cover these in detail while wikipedia will give you the basics. I'm sure there are good websites out there for learning them, but I'm simply not familiar with them.
Your problem starts early in the games and then you just give up and play worst and you dont recover. You give picase away for nothing always cheak your moves 3-7 times before you make them and maby look at geting a propper opening it helps espeshely if you learn how to chang it to sute your needs and never give up fight to the end your aponent can make mestakes too.