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Never give up

Only Chess

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I think I just committed the swindle of the... well, what with the number of games played here, perhaps of the week. But it's a swindle.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you never give up unless you know that even you yourself could not lose your opponent's game.

(Ok, what is wrong with that PGN? I've tried removing all newlines inside comments, all newlines around comments, all headers, all [ i ]'s inside comments... nothing works. Could someone who has this figured out please have a look?)


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Superb! Pity it was not a Championship else it would be appearing
in the Blog. But it will no doubt one day.

Thank you. Entertainig Notes.

First PGN worked - I have to go out now and meet Mrs Greenpawn.
Good luck, I know what's like trying to repair a PGN.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
Superb! Pity it was not a Championship else it would be appearing
in the Blog. But it will no doubt one day.

Thank you. Entertainig Notes.

First PGN worked - I have to go out now and meet Mrs Greenpawn.
Good luck, I know what's like trying to repair a PGN.
Nah, what's there now is the first PGN. What you saw was that PGN hauled through Arena, which did post but put all the comments in the wrong places. At least, that's what it did when I viewed the post.

But just in case, here it is again:

There should be a comment on the very last move, and the comment on Black's second move starts with "This is not". If that's not what you're seeing, you've got the comments in the wrong place, and I still don't know how to get these right.

(Edit: and thank you for your kind words. All the more so because you know what you're talking about.)


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Originally posted by gambit05
[Event "Challenge"]
[Site "http://www.playtheimmortalgame.com"]
[Date "2011.12.04"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Shallow Blue"]
[Black "nlslav"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "?"]
[WhiteElo "1428"]
[BlackElo "1390"]
[Annotator ""]
[Source ""]
[Remark ""]

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Bd6 {This isn't exactly the best move in the King's Knight: it blocks Black's own c eap shot I was going for.} 1/2-1/2
Well done, that's almost it! It starts out right, but it misses out the comment on move 19, and from then on starts putting them all one comment earlier. Also it doesn't have any newlines inside the comments (I had some blank lines in there), but that may be cause and effect or vice versa. Next try:

...and that did it. I now have the same game in my browser as in Chesspad.

What I still don't understand is why it wouldn't work before, when I also tried removing all newlines. Did you take out something else as well, which I overlooked?


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Originally posted by Shallow Blue
Nah, what's there now is the first PGN. What you saw was that PGN hauled through Arena, which did post but put all the comments in the wrong places. At least, that's what it did when I viewed the post.

But just in case, here it is again:
[pgn][Event "Challenge"]
[Site "http://www.playtheimmortalgame.com"]
[Date "2011.12.04"]
[Round "?"]
[ ou're talking about.)


Black to move

Black played 47...Rg7? It just allows the wR in to pick off some pawns.
47...Ra8! The Rook stands best behind the passed pawn [Tarrasch]. Black could then push the a-pawn, tie up the white Rook, then follow with Rg7-c7 killing the c4 pawn and preparing the advance of the b-pawn as well.

Edit: If white plays Ke4-d3 to save the c4 pawn, his King is now tied up and Black's pawns can advance on the Kingside.

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
[fen]7r/8/1p1p1prk/p2P3p/2PP1KpP/8/6P1/4R3 b - - 0 47[/fen]
Black to move

Black played 47...Rg7? It just allows the wR in to pick off some pawns.
47...Ra8! The Rook stands best behind the passed pawn [Tarrasch].
True. He could also have played Rc8, targeting my c-pawn and getting two passed pawns instead of one.

I have the same weakness myself: no idea how to convert a clear advantage into a straight win in an even moderately complicated endgame. Cheap tactics mostly stop working at that stage.


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Originally posted by Shallow Blue
Well done, that's almost it! It starts out right, but it misses out the comment on move 19, and from then on starts putting them all one comment earlier. Also it doesn't have any newlines inside the comments (I had some blank lines in there), but that may be cause and effect or vice versa. Next try:

[Event "Challenge"]
[Site "http://www.playt s well, which I overlooked?

I removed a lot of spaces, especially between "{" and the following text. I also removed line breaks, but I am not sure whether that is necessary.

Edit: It seems they are. I just found that the were still some line breaks in my version of the annotated game after "Kf8 19.Rf3 {Argh! True blunder number one. Lesson learned (hey, a man must be allowed to", which I haven't seen as they fit with the normal text length.

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I figured the notes were a move behind quite quickly, I'm used to seeing
it on here. The notes then fell further back but you could still keep track.
It happens.

I now use Penguin v6 (google it) it's a free download. It has always just sailed
into RHP without any hassle. I had to mess about about with the settings till
I got it how I like it. I now won't use anything else.

I could have stayed and reapired the first one. (Simply copying into and back out
of Penguin would have fixed it.) but I was running late.
Turns out that Mrs GP was also late so I could of spared a few minutes.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
I now use [b]Penguin v6 (google it) it's a free download. It has always just sailed into RHP without any hassle. I had to mess about about with the settings till I got it how I like it. I now won't use anything else.[/b]
I just downloaded that - it's now on v8 - but I must say, it will never be my favourite. I don't like the two-tone look of the board, and I don't like how any opened game is automatically opened at the end, with no obvious setting to remedy that.
That needn't stop me from using it to copy-and-paste my PGNs though it, of course. Here, let's try:

Edit: nope.


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As I said I had to mess about about with the settings till I was happy.

V8 - I never like upgrades. If something is working leave it alone.
It took me 12 years to get off Windows 3.1, that was really a smashing piece
of kit. It never let me down.

Surprised it did not fix it. There must be c/returns and tabs in the white space.

Don't despair, sort it out how you like it, then note up a game.
It does take about ½ an hour to get use to use to it.
I did the last blog with it and it did not need one correction. All the PGN's worked.
Before then I was fanning about for ages. I even binned games and notes
I was going to use out of frustration.

Someone must know of a simple, no gimmicks, standard easy to use PGN editor
that is RHP friendly. Perhaps some Einstein can write one.

And no engine. I'm not falling into that trap. (you can add a spell checker though.)

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Here is the most outrageous swindle I have ever seen in an OTB game. Played by one of the under 9s I was looking after in the EPSCA zonal competition last weekend.

Only one point separated the teams in 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th place, and if the Oxfordshire player hadn't pulled this off we would dropped from 4th to 7th, and out of the qualifying places.

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Originally posted by Shallow Blue
Unfortunately for him, he lost his bottle in the endgame, and I knew exactly which cheap shot I was going for.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you never give up unless you know that even you yourself could not lose your opponent's game.
I think I might open a separate thread with games I wanted to resign but I decided to play a little bit further, just ebcause a pretty girls was walking nearby and I didn't want her to see me resigning...

Here, in a blity 5+8 /on some other chess site/,
I played 30 ... Qb6 and left my Queen under the Knight's attack, but I kept poker face, and my opponent didn't notice anything.

And I do hope your opponent didn't have much valuable brandy in his bottle. 😉

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The post that was quoted here has been removed
It seems like Reshevsky had a nice sacrifice of his own.

48... Re1+ 49. Kh2 Rh1+ 50. Kxh1 Qxg3 51. Qc2 Nh3 with the dual threats of ...Qg1# and ...Nf2+

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