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Nice mate

Nice mate

Only Chess


I thought I'd share this, not for the brilliance of play but, for the neat mate at the end... I've never had a rook and bishop mate quite like it.

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Originally posted by tomtom232
I thought I'd share this, not for the brilliance of play but, for the neat mate at the end... I've never had a rook and bishop mate quite like it.
The play is quite brilliant, however! I just can't play this sort of chess.

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Originally posted by chessicle
The play is quite brilliant
Really nice, a kind of Bishop variation hook mate. I particularly like your 15th move, well played sir 🙂

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I haven't seen one exactly like this, either- it is certainly a new variation on a theme to me. Very nice!

The whole game is a great example of the value of initiative.

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Very nice Tom, thanks for sharing that.

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It's like white has given black all the chance to occupy the queenside with pawns, and then at one point decides to move his pieces onto blacks side of the board and finds a win. I would probably have played Qxd4 somewhere instead.

Thanks for sharing.

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25. b4+ cxb3 26. Nxb3# was more forcing.

Nearer the beginning, 10. Bxd5 Qxd5 11. Nc3 is a common idea in that sort of position.

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Originally posted by tomtom232
I thought I'd share this, not for the brilliance of play but, for the neat mate at the end... I've never had a rook and bishop mate quite like it.

[pgn][Event "ChessCube Game"]
[Site "www.chesscube.com"]
[Date "2012.01.07"]
[Round "-"]
[White "sawyert@chesscube.com"]
[Black "deoshankar@chesscube.com"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1627"]
[BlackElo " ...[text shortened]... 2 Qb6 23. Qg7+ Kc6 24. Bf3+ Kc5 25. Bxb7 Rag8 26. Rd5# 1-0[/pgn]
how nice - really enjoyable game! also, it almost looks like a hook mate, just with a bishop! that calls for GPs blog...

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Thanks for the replies guys.


Thanks for the advice.

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Hi Tom Tom

Nice game. However I'm liking here:

9.Bd5 instead of 9.Re1. It's a nice clean win of a bit.

Fat Lady is correct.
When looking for the killer always look at check-check-ckeck and mate lines first.
They are easier to calculate as they are forcing moves. He must get out check.
So you cut down on the chances on making a blunder.

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