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No Checkmate?

No Checkmate?

Only Chess

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Hi Everyone
is it definetely impossible to win when u have only either a knight & king vs a king or a bishop & king vs king



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Yes it is impossible. Even if the inferior side's K is in a corner the superior side's K can only cover two of the necessary four squares, and the minor piece cannot cover the other two as they are different colours.

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It is possible to win if you only have a minor piece and a king only if you timeout your opponent or if your opponent is stupid enough to resign. You cannot checkmate your opponent with only a minor piece and a king. Minimum pieces that you need with a king to FORCE a checkmate is:
1) 1 Rook
2) 2 bishops (of different colors)
3) 1 bishop and 1 knight
4) 3 knights
5) 2 knights (but your opponent should have a pawn or 2 left with the king, however, checkmate may or may not be possible, not sure)

Ofcourse if you have a pawn or 2 left, you can promote it and get a queen and checkmate the opponent.

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Originally posted by Patrick97
Hi Everyone
is it definetely impossible to win when u have only either a knight & king vs a king or a bishop & king vs king


Thread 37527

Minimum mating material:

Originally posted by Wulebgr
RK vs K Mate in 16
QK vs K Mate in 10
BBK vs K Mate in 19
bishops must be on different colored squares
BNK vs K Mate in 33
NNK vs K Draw
NNK vs KP Checkmate can be forced in some circumstances

All these should be practiced against Fritz until they can accomplished in under one minute while asleep or inebriated.

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Originally posted by Wulebgr
Thread 37527

Minimum mating material:

Originally posted by Wulebgr
[b]RK vs K Mate in 16
QK vs K Mate in 10
BBK vs K Mate in 19
bishops must be on different colored squares
BNK vs K Mate in 33
NNK vs K Draw
NNK vs KP Checkmate can be forced in some circumstances

All these should be practiced against Fritz until they can accomplished in under one minute while asleep or inebriated.
Great news thanks, my gf is trying to encourage me to drink less, this is the perfect excuse, nows where's my chessboard and that bottle of wine

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Originally posted by stevetodd
Great news thanks, my gf is trying to encourage me to drink less, this is the perfect excuse, nows where's my chessboard and that bottle of wine
Just doing my job as leader of Clan 24395

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If you timeout wouldn't it be a draw since neither player has mating material? Or is that just for OTB chess?

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Originally posted by o0obruceleeo0o
If you timeout wouldn't it be a draw since neither player has mating material? Or is that just for OTB chess?
If the game is over 3 moves and the move timeout period has expired, you may claim the win and the points. To claim a win find the game on the 'My Games' page. If your opponent has not moved in the agreed period, a skull icon will appear next to the game. Clicking the timeout link will award you the win and the points. Please be considerate with timeouts – send a reminder if possible. If a user is set on vacation, please allow a reasonable period before you take the timeout.

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Originally posted by o0obruceleeo0o
If you timeout wouldn't it be a draw since neither player has mating material? Or is that just for OTB chess?
That's how it should work according to the laws of chess. If a player that lacks mating material observes that her opponent is out of time, she may claim a draw.

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Originally posted by Wulebgr
Thread 37527

Minimum mating material:

Originally posted by Wulebgr
[b]RK vs K Mate in 16
QK vs K Mate in 10
BBK vs K Mate in 19
bishops must be on different colored squares
BNK vs K Mate in 33
NNK vs K Draw
NNK vs KP Checkmate can be forced in some circumstances

All these should be practiced against Fritz until they can accomplished in under one minute while asleep or inebriated.
BBK vs K Mate in 19...."Bishops must be on different colored squares"?

haha that's a good one.....generally speaking, your bishops are always on different colored squares, aren't they?

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Originally posted by Drumbo
BBK vs K Mate in 19...."Bishops must be on different colored squares"?

haha that's a good one.....generally speaking, your bishops are always on different colored squares, aren't they?
A pawn reaching the eighth rank may become a bishop. It is theoretically possible, however unlikely, to have two bishops on the same color square.

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Originally posted by Wulebgr
A pawn reaching the eighth rank may become a bishop. It is theoretically possible, however unlikely, to have two bishops on the same color square.
I did hear a story about some smartass who underpromoted his p to a B "to show his opponent how to mate with two bishops" and only thereafter realized he now had two same-colored bishops. Draw!

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Originally posted by CrawlIce
I did hear a story about some smartass who underpromoted his p to a B "to show his opponent how to mate with two bishops" and only thereafter realized he now had two same-colored bishops. Draw!
Perhaps fear of stalemeate led D. Rehfeld to promote four pawns as bishops:

[Event "Sao Paulo Hebraica op"]
[Site "Sao Paulo"]
[Date "1999.??.??"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Rehfeld, Daniel"]
[Black "Mordoch, William"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C42"]
[PlyCount "95"]
[EventDate "1999.??.??"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceDate "1999.11.16"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nxe5 Nxe4 4. Qe2 Bd6 5. Qxe4 Bxe5 6. Qxe5+ Qe7 7. Qxe7+
Kxe7 8. Nc3 Nc6 9. Bc4 d5 10. Nxd5+ Kd7 11. d3 Kd8 12. Bf4 Be6 13. O-O-O Bxd5
14. Bxd5 Kd7 15. Rhe1 Rhe8 16. Kd2 Rad8 17. Rxe8 Rxe8 18. Re1 Rxe1 19. Kxe1 g6
20. Bxf7 g5 21. Bxg5 Ne5 22. Bh5 c6 23. f4 Nf7 24. Bxf7 h6 25. Bxh6 b5 26. g4
b4 27. g5 Ke7 28. g6 c5 29. Bg5+ Kd7 30. g7 a5 31. g8=B a4 32. h4 a3 33. bxa3
bxa3 34. h5 Kc6 35. h6 Kb5 36. h7 c4 37. Bxc4+ Kb4 38. h8=B Ka4 39. f5 Kb4 40.
f6 Kc3 41. f7+ Kxc2 42. f8=B Kb1 43. d4 Ka1 44. d5+ Kb1 45. d6 Kc2 46. d7 Kb1
47. d8=B Kc2 48. Bh7# 1-0

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you can win with just one knight and a king....against just a king

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Originally posted by Str6789
you can win with just one knight and a king....against just a king
Can you show me how?

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