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Ok, another boner game I played, any thoughts?

Ok, another boner game I played, any thoughts?

Only Chess

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Are you B or W?

9 .... Qh4+ looks good for black.

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Originally posted by wolfgang59
Are you B or W?

9 .... Qh4+ looks good for black.
I am white here. Got completely outplayed, from move one I think.

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The problems do start early.

6 Nge2 isn't to be recomended, based on the databases either 6 Nf3 or 6 Qf3 is better and 7. Nxc3 is a real problem. White just has to play 7... dxc3, with an OK game, probably. After 7. Nxc3, things just kept getting worse.

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Oh man, the king's gambit can go south quickly. You have to have big time cojones to play it in my opinion. That's it for me tonight.

Had a great boozy night tonight by the way.

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And if you are really serious, you also need to go over your wins to see what your opponent should have done that would have beat you.

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Originally posted by Zelnick
And if you are really serious, you also need to go over your wins to see what your opponent should have done that would have beat you.
Not sure what you mean there.

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Just been playing out a few variations. Interesting game.

Where did you screw up? Here.

You played the woeful 6.Nge2.

How hard is it to remember in 1.e4 e5 openings the g1 Knight always,
not sometimes, always goes to f3.

6.Nf3 there and you would have avoided all the coming trouble.
6...Bxc3 7.dxc3.

He missed 9...Qh5+ which would ended the game even shorter
and giving you an even more wretched position.


This is what I've been messing about with.
I'd take that as White OTB. still iffy in a CC game but 4 v 3 and an open
file...I can do things with that. It's the White King that is the problem.

You played 17.Bh6

Nah...that for him to see and worry about.

In positions like this (losing with best play but with some activity and threats)
The longer you do not play what he thinks you will play the more chance
you have of him doing something silly because he will always be looking at.

Qh4 - Raf1 -Ne4 get all the boys aiming at the King and let him
find all the ghosts (threats that do exists). White needs a blunder and
OTB v an under 2000 player. It will come.

Have faith in all your opponents to make a mess of it.
Keep thinking - "If he is really any good then why is playing the likes of me?"
And he did miss the obvious 9....Qh5+ (Check all checks).

Just you be sharp enough to spot it and jump in his neck when he does.

So chin up, dust yourself off, jump back into the water and if you must
play the King's Gambit then covering h4 with a Knight on f3 is a priority.

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Originally posted by Double G
Oh man, the king's gambit can go south quickly. You have to have big time cojones to play it in my opinion.
It could drift this way >>> Game 7603716 🙂

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Originally posted by Mariska Angela
It could drift this way >>> Game 7603716 🙂
There were no obvious killer moves here but white has practically no moves left, maybe a bishop move is all. Is that why he quit? Just no good moves left?

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That was one deep resignation.

White to play - Black's last move was 16...h6 White resigned.

I cannot see a trick shot yet though all the exchange and piece sacs
appear to nearly work so White is in no man's land.

Is there a threat or is this one of them, it's you move, do something positions.

White is tight but he is a bit up. it's all to comfy for Black.
I would have to shown even if it sparked off a brillo combination.

17.h4 with the threat of Bg5, you have to get that piece out somewhere
and I'm hitting back at the last pwn move.

If the Bishop goes to g5 then taking it gives White a King to kick.
You have to get it messy.

If it's lost, it's lost but go down with guns blazing.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
... This is what I've been messing about with.
I'd take that as White OTB. still iffy in a CC game but 4 v 3 and an open
file...I can do things with that. It's the White King that is the problem.

I, too think white has some chances here, but most of what I've looked at involve Qg3.

For example after 17. Qg3 g6. 18. Ne4, black needs to move his queen and also needs to watch out for something like 18 ... Qd6 (instead maybe Qe7) 19 Qh4. which threatens Nf6+ and Qxh7+.

Similarly, 17 Bh6 Bg4 (as played in the game) 18 Qg3 with the idea of playing h3 looks like it could give black some problems

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
That was one deep resignation.

White to play - Black's last move was 16...h6 White resigned.

[fen]3rr1k1/ppp2pp1/1b3q1p/8/6b1/2N2N2/PPQ1B1PP/R1B2K1R w - - 0 16[/fen]

I cannot see a trick shot yet though all the exchange and piece sacs
appear to nearly work so White is in no man's land.

Is there a threat or is this one of them, it's you move ...[text shortened]... ick.
You have to get it messy.

If it's lost, it's lost but go down with guns blazing.
Perhaps MA can explain why white resigned, especially not by a KG-player. It's over my head, chess-wise (there could be other reasons). In my opinion, both h4 or the simple Bd2 are good enough to survive the attack and, why not, play for a white win. Must have been the killer charm in action here 😉

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Not sure what you mean there.
Wrong thread somehow...

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Hi Erekose

Yes Qg3 (though again let him worry about that) is a good move here.

Without bullying you or shouting you down I will put forward my case for Ne4.

My Ne4 comes from 30 years of tricking players and playing on their fears.

The threat of Nc5 trading a Kinght for Biahop would to some players
strike mortal fear in their very souls.

I owe a lot to who ever started this Bishops are better than Knights nonsense.

My Queen might be better on h4 (I think so - not sure) but I do know
where I want that Knight. Also Qc3 is now an option (something else for
him to worry about. I'm not worried at all, I'm losing.)

I could post 100's yes 100's of positions from here where players have
defended a mere pawn or seen somehting else and missed checkmate
both for and against.

I would put money on some players here missing Nf6+ and playing b6
to stop Nc5.

I agree wholly that Qg3 is a good move and it allows the a1 Rook into the game.
He has f5 so no Ne4 but that is us analysing a lot of if's and buts giving
out opponents bad moves.
(but bad moves will be played, you can bet on that as well).

Bh6 and Qg3 is what he will see. They are threats. (and remember....)

1.Qg3 you have fired your bolt, once you have played that no more threats. (and remember...)

I'd play Ne4 because instead of having just 2 threats for him to consider answering.
he now has four threats still in the position Nc5, Qc3, Qg3 and Bh6. (and remember....)

So we now have this lad suddenly seeing all kinds of things happening to him.

"Why don't you play your threat and get it over with?"

He will start to calculate lines with both Bh6 and Qg3 being played at once.
I've seen it happen, players are terrible defenders. (and remember...)

No pressure on me/us. we are lsoing, he has the problem of winning a
won game v a wriggling sly human (and remember...)

Of course this advice is for mainly OTB play but it works on here as well.

This is why persistant computer playing is bad for you. You lose or do not develop
the black art of trickery which is in every good player's toolbox whether they
admit it or not. A computer does not see ghosts or get fuddled. Humans do.

And a computer know nothing at all about how to play against or prey
on human fears and misconceptions. it's a toy.

(there will be some comeback from that Erekose, I've just insulted their blow-up

(and remember...). What was that all about?

Remember the wisest words Nimzovitch ever said.

"The threat is stronger than the excution."

The fact you are threatening a good move. Bh6/Qg3 is often all that
is needed tp win a game.

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