I'll start things off
This game is played yesterday, opponent is rated 1620, I have the white pieces
Feel free to shoot at will, however one question:
After 12...c6 I know white is better, but don't know how to continue, what should be the correct plan here?
18...Qe7 (=) is a drawoffer by black
Originally posted by MetBierOpGood idea!
This thread is for the purpose of putting OTB Amateurgames (all levels) up for analysis and comments by other RHP members.
So post your OTB games and specific questions about that game here.
This was the last game I played OTB:
I felt quite proud afterwards until I realised I missed a much earlier mate in 3 (It's amazing what you miss OTB). In my defence, I knew I had a won game and was just happy to get the queens off.
Edit: Sorry, I didn't realise you'd put a game up already!
Originally posted by MetBierOpAfter 12. c6, I think white's worst placed piece is the knight, so I'd look at moving it somewhere more active. How about 13. Nb4 where it can eye those pawns and d5?
I'll start things off
This game is played yesterday, opponent is rated 1620, I have the white pieces
Feel free to shoot at will, however one question:
After 12...c6 I know white is better, but don't know how to continue, what should be the correct plan here?
Well done on the win, and the very nice finish!
Originally posted by MeadowsAfter 10 moves you are playing a won game.
Good idea!
This was the last game I played OTB:
I felt quite proud afterwards until I realised I missed a much earlier mate in 3 (It's amazing what you miss OTB). In my defence, I knew I had a won game and was just happy to get the queens off.
Edit: Sorry, I didn't realise you'd put a game up already!
(well done,)
So it is hard to critisize anything.
instead off 20.Bd8 winning the quality, what about
20 Qb7 winning the bisshop?
23.cxb4 seems a better move to me
Missing the mate aint a problem I think when being up so much.
Your opponent resigned one move before the checkmate.
I think (s)he should make the last move or resign much earlier.
congrats on winning
Originally posted by National Master Dalehi NMD,
If white is better after 12... c6 its by an amount so small I am unable to detect it.
I think black might have gotten into trouble after 25...Rad8
perhaps 25...Nc4 would be better.
I like the idea of this post like Meadows says too
Well, I think so because in the position after c6, apart from calculation
- white has more space
- white has more control/pressure on the kingside
- white can choose to open or lock the queenside
- opening the center should strenghten the white pair of bishops
- the black queen still is at its starting position while whites is activated
- white seems to have the more active pieces
Having said all that, I don't see a way to benefit from it.
So correct and/or enlighten me 🙂
about 25... Nc4
What proberbly would follow is
26. Bxc4 bxc4
27. g3 Bh6 (27...Be5 28.f4)
28. Rxe6
Now white is still a pawn up, but black has the bishop which is better in this position,
So yes 25...Nc4 is an improvement for my opponent, but I think white still has the edge.
oh and thanks for posting