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Pawn breaks

Pawn breaks

Only Chess

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I'm going to be teaching some children about pawn breaks tomorrow and I could do with some more examples to show them.

The games should be fairly simple if possible - just simple development in the opening and then a pawn break (probably d2-d4 or d7-d5) which leads to an obviously better position for the person who played it!

If you can help me out please post a link to the game here.

Thanks a lot.

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Try this Game 2146679.

Not very good for my opponent but my e pawn certainly got a "break"

and does this count as a pawn break Game 2236996

Maybe this is better Game 2211526. A good game, except we both missed a mate in 1 (so I was lucky to win) but the pawn break in the end was decisive.

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Originally posted by Dragon Fire
Maybe this is better Game 2211526. A good game, except we both missed a mate in 1 (so I was lucky to win) but the pawn break in the end was decisive.
Yes, 14.Nxc6?? Bxd6???

To be honest, these games are a bit wild for the sensitive nature of a seven year beginner.

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Originally posted by Fat Lady
Yes, 14.Nxc6?? Bxd6???

To be honest, these games are a bit wild for the sensitive nature of a seven year beginner.
Are pawns breaks not always going to be a bit wild?

and in that game I almost did not play Be3. I was looking at b5 and only just before I played it dis I see Qxf2#. I am sure I would not have escaped a second time, but I liked the pawn break at the end.

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I was thinking of pawn breaks in the opening after one side has finished developing and is looking for a plan about what to do next.

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Umm maby this oneGame 2309622...although I'm not sure if it's a good idea to show them the game beacause it kind of breaks most "rules" begginers are thought.I'll try and find a safer one.
L.E.These might be betterGame 2362180 Game 2319998.

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Originally posted by omulcusobolani
Umm maby this oneGame 2309622...although I'm not sure if it's a good idea to show them the game beacause it kind of breaks most "rules" begginers are thought.I'll try and find a safer one.
Nice game though!

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Originally posted by omulcusobolani
[b]Umm maby this oneGame 2309622...b]

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Originally posted by Dragon Fire
Rd3 Nf2...I'll be up an exchange and he has triple isolated pawns.

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pawn break 6...d5 taking advantage of white's Nf5.
Game 2211234

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Originally posted by omulcusobolani
Rd3 Nf2...I'll be up an exchange and he has triple isolated pawns.
Don't worry, I saw it all and amended my post whilst you were refuting it. Resignation was inevitable, well done!

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Game 2024632

maybe something like this ^^ is what your looking for.

At FICS I often play games as white where a similiar them arrives, advance the pawns, attack the knights and then advance some more...

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Perhaps just show an opening line with a pawn break?


1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6 6.Be2 Bg7 7.O-O Nc6 8.Be3 O-O 9.Kh1 d5!

I'm sure that at least of few master/high level games can be found in various databases with this move order.

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Heres one I found whilst checking out my opponents

Game 2252208

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