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Pawn promotion

Pawn promotion

Only Chess

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I lost a game today, because a pawn was automatically promoted to Queen, when the winning piece was a Knight. How does one choose which piece you want?

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This is the game I presume?

When you place the pawn on the promotion square a drop down menu appears for you to select the promoted piece. Then you can submit move. Exactly how that happens depends if you are on an app or the main website. I've thought that its a little awkward to find when viewing the main site on a mobile browser being in the square under the game board where the offer draw and resign buttons are which you need to scroll down to see.

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Some site(s) allow you to pre-select which piece to promote to

2 edits

You do get a choice, but if the lad is using an APP - something
I do not have , then it could be an easy mistake to make.

I'll keep this one out of the RPH 'Hall of Doom' but future bloggers may stumble across it.
Maybe I'll blog a warning about it, as it appears to be a software glich.

It's not quite as bad as platoic - themban RHP 2011
which I gave an RHP stamp too: Blog Post 308


@archer0212 said
I lost a game today, because a pawn was automatically promoted to Queen, when the winning piece was a Knight. How does one choose which piece you want?
It's easy to miss, but if you're on a computer, here's how to see what it looks like.
1. Go to one of your games where it is your move.
2. Make an illegal pawn move to the 8th rank with any one of your pawns.
3. Watch for a new little window to open under the 'submit move' button.
You will see in the window that you can use the default option to promote to a queen, or you can change it to another choice before you submit your move.

It would be nice to make this little window more noticable, but it is there.
I did just test it on an iphone and it works great! A big window pops up over the board and you are required to make a selection at that time. It's a nice big 'in your face' window and it would be nice if the computer mode did it that way too!

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Yes it's fine on the android app with a nice big selection pop up but the main site on my chrome mobile browser you have to scroll.

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