Correct it's a Pseudo Queen Sac to trade down into an easy won ending.
Alekhine - Euwe World Championship Match 1937
White to play.
Reconise the same combination winning a valuable pawn for White?
Alekhine missed it and the game was drawn 34 moves later.
Four postions from RHP. Spot the same shot.
All the RHP players did and went onto to win.
Osbert of Arden - fifi08 RHP 2009 Black to play
swordfishtrombone - mikeviking RHP 2008 White to play
DeepThought- Drax946 RHP 2005 White to play.
Mdasev - Engenhocas RHP 2007 Black to play.
And finally....
greenpawn34 - carluzvi RHP 2009