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Pick my opponents game apart

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He accused me of using a chess engine

I just finished beating "monstrosity" now 1722 my rating Madman improved to 1293. He is the highest or maybe 2nd highest rated player I have ever beat. Game ID 7047217. I've played about 900+ games here winning 400 losing 500 never rated higher that about 1350. He accused me of using a chess engine

I don't even know what a chess engine is. Why are peoples egos so big that they assume or must write off their own weaknesses and "attribute" their loss to something other then ...they lost....

Take a look at the game, you smart people, i was smart but he flat out missed things and resigned when he probably didn't have to. I would love to see your critique of how Mr. Monstrosity lost to my "Chess engine"....I guess I should take that as a compliment.

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Game 7047217

I wont even look at the whole game- people that obstruct their c-pawn in d4 openings for no good reason deserve to lose.

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Messy game in which white messed up

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Originally posted by heinzkat
Messy game in which white messed up
all my games are messy thats why i am 1200-1300 player 🙂. I wounded his ego....

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Originally posted by Madman1
all my games ar emessy thats why i am 1200-300 player 🙂. I wounded his ego....
as are my posts

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i checked your game dude, some of your moves did not even make it into the top five engine candidate choices! Yup hes a sore loser.

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Hi - White screwed it all up and took it out on you.
Players do odd things when they lose - ignore it - he most likely regrets it.

Every move you played was what I would expect from a player
of your grade. Except one.

Now don't get all frilly and upset, this is a compliment.

It's getting to the stage that if you say someone played a good move
then someone will else will shout cheat.

(Russ should wipe everyone's grade to nil and start it all over again.)

I repeat I do NOT think you cheated. But here is perhaps the move
that threw your opponent into a tis.

Black to play.

Now in my OTB experience the much weaker player would take the perpetual
here with 1....Qf1+ and 2...Qf3+ on and on. and then shake his opponents hand off.

This is perhaps what White expected and your 1.e3! Which there is
a very good chance he never saw coming, put his nose out of joint.

So well played on finding 1.e3 and not grabbing the perpetual.

But I bet I'm not far off the truth when I say you never saw the perpetual
and was looking to promote that pawn.

So we shall recap:

You have been called a cheat for making a good move because you
missed the bad move.

Yup that just about sums things up on here.


The ghost of Chigorin is going to enter your bedroom tonight and stick
a c-pawn where the Sun never shines. 😉

1.d4 d5 2.c4 Nc6!

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
Hi - White screwed it all up and took it out on you.
Players do odd things when they lose - ignore it - he most likely regrets it.

Every move you played was what I would expect from a player
of your grade. Except one.

Now don't get all frilly and upset, this is a compliment.

It's getting to the stage that if you say someone played a good move ...[text shortened]... d4 d5 2.c4 Nc6!

[fen]r1bqkbnr/ppp1pppp/2n5/3p4/2PP4/8/PP2PPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 3[/fen]
Well, if Chigorin had snuck in, and done that.

Then it would make sense why he tended not to touch the c-pawn early.
Alot of sense.

Else, folly. 🙂


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Originally posted by Madman1
He accused me of using a chess engine

I just finished beating "monstrosity" now 1722 my rating Madman improved to 1293. He is the highest or maybe 2nd highest rated player I have ever beat. Game ID 7047217. I've played about 900+ games here winning 400 losing 500 never rated higher that about 1350. He accused me of using a chess engine

I don't even kn ...[text shortened]... r. Monstrosity lost to my "Chess engine"....I guess I should take that as a compliment.
He was just being a sore loser, don't worry about it, congratulations 🙂

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I'm in the 1800's on the site, and a few months back I lost to an 800 player. He was excited he won, and asked me about the game (I had dropped pieces and just generally played poorly). I was honest, and told him I was watching Monday Night Football and also rebalancing my fantasy football teams via the waiver wire, and I wasn't paying attention like I should have. I wasn't taking the game seriously, and I was duly punished. He got me!

In retrospect, I regretted telling him that, because I may have sounded disrespectful, and I may have unintentionally taken away a little of the joy he had in winning. Definitely not one of my better moments.

Now I try to avoid anything that sounds like an excuse, and just congratulate my opponent. Dignity is one of the few things we can control here, so I try!


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If he went over it afterwards he should've noticed 27.Rd8 instead of accusing you.

30.... e3! I was trying 30..... Qf1 31.Kg4 Qf3+ 32.Kh3 e3 threatening mate in 2 and white will have to give his queen eventually.But e3 right away seems to work even better.Very nice indeed 🙂

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
Hi - White screwed it all up and took it out on you.
Players do odd things when they lose - ignore it - he most likely regrets it.

Every move you played was what I would expect from a player
of your grade. Except one.

Now don't get all frilly and upset, this is a compliment.

It's getting to the stage that if you say someone played a good move
d4 d5 2.c4 Nc6!

[fen]r1bqkbnr/ppp1pppp/2n5/3p4/2PP4/8/PP2PPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 3[/fen]
Actually I held the pawn back until I could advance the Queen, I saw he benefit of getting the Queen in postion prior to moving my Bishop from c1-b2. I could have moved my pawn one space up at that point for the cheap check, but it would have locked the board up. So I put the bishop to b2, then advanced the queen, and only then pushed the pawn up to bringing the bishop into play. I only thought of advancing the pawn on the last move when he chose to resign.

But my play early on where I had to reverse two moves and let him take my Rook were clearly not "engine moves" Thanks to all for looking at the game.

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Originally posted by Madman1
He accused me of using a chess engine

I just finished beating "monstrosity" now 1722 my rating Madman improved to 1293. He is the highest or maybe 2nd highest rated player I have ever beat. Game ID 7047217. I've played about 900+ games here winning 400 losing 500 never rated higher that about 1350. He accused me of using a chess engine

I don't even kn ...[text shortened]... r. Monstrosity lost to my "Chess engine"....I guess I should take that as a compliment.
Your opponent played like a 1000 rater rather than a 1700 rater. You played to your ability and won.

You will always get people who moan when the the "little people" (low raters) beat up on the "bigger people" (high raters).

Just enjoy the win - you know you won fair and square.

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Originally posted by Madman1
He accused me of using a chess engine

I just finished beating "monstrosity" now 1722 my rating Madman improved to 1293. He is the highest or maybe 2nd highest rated player I have ever beat. Game ID 7047217. I've played about 900+ games here winning 400 losing 500 never rated higher that about 1350. He accused me of using a chess engine

I don't even kn ...[text shortened]... r. Monstrosity lost to my "Chess engine"....I guess I should take that as a compliment.
Congrats on the win.

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Originally posted by Paul Leggett
I'm in the 1800's on the site, and a few months back I lost to an 800 player. He was excited he won, and asked me about the game (I had dropped pieces and just generally played poorly). I was honest, and told him I was watching Monday Night Football and also rebalancing my fantasy football teams via the waiver wire, and I wasn't paying attention like ...[text shortened]... tulate my opponent. Dignity is one of the few things we can control here, so I try!

Now that sounds like a real chess player! 🙂

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