There was a thread on the Pirc recently that had some useful resources in it...but I find these the most trouble
3.f3 ... is almost an anti-pirc move and worth having an idea what to play against it as 3...g6, 4.c4 takes you into the Samisch Kings Indian - not a prob if you happen to know it - and the alternative seems to be the odd looking 3...d5
The Spike Anti-Pirc
1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.c3 g6 4.Ne2 g7 5.g4!?
Originally posted by pirc for me.
There was a thread on the Pirc recently that had some useful resources in it...but I find these the most trouble
3.f3 ... is almost an anti-pirc move and worth having an idea what to play against it as 3...g6, 4.c4 takes you into the Samisch Kings Indian - not a prob if you happen to know it - and the alternative seems to be the odd looking 3...d5
The Spike Anti-Pirc
1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.c3 g6 4.Ne2 g7 5.g4!?
Originally posted by MahoutI presume the third move in the 'Spike Anti-Pirc' is meant to be 3.f3 (not 3.c3 as stated).
There was a thread on the Pirc recently that had some useful resources in it...but I find these the most trouble
3.f3 ... is almost an anti-pirc move and worth having an idea what to play against it as 3...g6, 4.c4 takes you into the Samisch Kings Indian - not a prob if you happen to know it - and the alternative seems to be the odd looking 3...d5
The Spike Anti-Pirc
1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.c3 g6 4.Ne2 g7 5.g4!?
I just play the 150 attack against both the pirc and the modern. It seems to be very successful. That said, there is the chinese variation with an early g4 for white, but that was more or less refuted some years ago. The game is very interesting. White ripped open the h-file, exchanged rooks, Black calmly walked his king to the queenside and swung his heavy pieces onto the now open h-file. I think the game is in Best Lessons of a Chess Coach, so Ill look for it when I get home. If anyone else know's the one I'm referring to, feel free to save me some time.
Originally posted by chessisvanityOf course there are Anti-Pirc lines, it's such a strong opening that naturally the white players will try to throw black off his game with crazy ideas like an early d3, or Bg5, or early e5's in the Austrian, among many others. There aren't as many Anti-Pirc lines as say, the Sicilian (2.f4, 2.Na3, 2.b3, Smith-Morra, 2.Nc3 and all of the variations that go along with it, Rossolimo, Moscow, etc.) and, imo, they're all pretty crappy. If white is going to play for the win against the Pirc he should really throw out the Austrian or Classical. I've seen a few people mention the 150, but it doesn't really seem that strong for white, imo. Nothing really to worry about if you're a Pirc player.
I was thinking of playing the Pirc against 1.e4
Is there any anti-Pirc lines?