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Playing on his vacation

Playing on his vacation

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If one of your opponents declared that he is on vacation but is still making moves - what do you do if the skull appears after a while of inactivity?
Do you click the skull or do you honor the vacation flag?

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Search your feelings Luke.

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
If one of your opponents declared that he is on vacation but is still making moves - what do you do if the skull appears after a while of inactivity?
Do you click the skull or do you honor the vacation flag?
I have been away and said I am on holiday but found an internet cafe to play a few moves. Difficult to guarantee how often.

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
If one of your opponents declared that he is on vacation but is still making moves - what do you do if the skull appears after a while of inactivity?
Do you click the skull or do you honor the vacation flag?
Time his mark ass out.

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Depends how interesting the game is.

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Maybe he's on vacation playing chess.

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Let me say like this : If my opponent doesn't honor his own vacation, why do I have to honor it?
Else I put up my vacation sign permanently... is that fair?

Those peoples skull is there to take as fast as I see it. Others I let be.

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
Let me say like this : If my opponent doesn't honor his own vacation, why do I have to honor it?
Else I put up my vacation sign permanently... is that fair?

Those peoples skull is there to take as fast as I see it. Others I let be.
If he's got no return date then I will time him out. If he moves during his vacation then clearly he's found temporary access. It happens often. Vacation doesn't mean you're not going to move, but may do so less often. But, it's your choice.

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
Let me say like this : If my opponent doesn't honor his own vacation, why do I have to honor it?
Vacations around here are a suggestion, not real vacations. RHP does not enforce vacations. Therefore, the vacationer can't be assured that opponents will not time him out even if he makes no moves during his vacation.

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well i got a vacation question.... my oponent set vacation, we are but 5 moves into the game, but he has blundered the opening so badly i am 100% confident I will win (if you find that game, dont comment). Is it fair then to time him out on vacation, he may have set that just to get me to not skull him....
And how do you check his vacation length set?

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Originally posted by e4master
well i got a vacation question.... my oponent set vacation, we are but 5 moves into the game, but he has blundered the opening so badly i am 100% confident I will win (if you find that game, dont comment). Is it fair then to time him out on vacation, he may have set that just to get me to not skull him....
And how do you check his vacation length set?
It's FAIR to time anyone out who has used all his/her time.

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
Let me say like this : If my opponent doesn't honor his own vacation, why do I have to honor it?
Else I put up my vacation sign permanently... is that fair?

Those peoples skull is there to take as fast as I see it. Others I let be.
If people put on their vacation sign it means they cannot move and don't want to be timed out. Therefore if they are making moves, even if their vacation sign is up, it means it's their fault if they run out of time.

Time 'em out.

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Originally posted by e4master
well i got a vacation question.... my oponent set vacation, we are but 5 moves into the game, but he has blundered the opening so badly i am 100% confident I will win (if you find that game, dont comment). Is it fair then to time him out on vacation, he may have set that just to get me to not skull him....
And how do you check his vacation length set?
Check to see when he last moved.

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Originally posted by LanndonKane
If people put on their vacation sign it means they cannot move and don't want to be timed out. Therefore if they are making moves, even if their vacation sign is up, it means it's their fault if they run out of time.

Time 'em out.
It does not. I was on vacation last week and found there was an internet link in the hotel reception - 6 points. I went on to avoid being timed out in a couple of matches but the access was very very limited.

Secondly, I was have a hand held device that allows me access to the siteand post to threads, but doesn't hacve the graphic support to allow moves.

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
If one of your opponents declared that he is on vacation but is still making moves - what do you do if the skull appears after a while of inactivity?
Do you click the skull or do you honor the vacation flag?
Depends on how rich he is.

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