As I have mentioned in a thread in the general forum:
I actually find that the draws are the most interesting. A very close battle towards the end where both players try and gain the inituative (even trying in subtle ways). A fight right to the very end.
EDIT: Of course, I am talking generally. 😉
Sicilian Smaug posted some great examples:
Game 2492939
Game 2310376
I thought this will be worthy of its own thread.
Here is one of mine (edit: which even included a queen sac to recover from a mate threat):
Game 1316999
Only got one that springs to mind is this one...Game 2434914
I have others, but this is one i would expect to lose...
My fifth draw against a GM (lets not get into a debate about whether he is or not).
Game 3445082
Uphill struggle all the way, but managed to get it into an inevitable bishops of opposite colours and a rook each and four pawns endgame so it was book draw.
Game 3291218
I gambit my pawn with the very intention of getting a nice attack -- by move 8 I realized I had nothing for the pawn -- But Ne5 kinda forces a draw (after a bishop sac)
and thats that as they say.
Game 2539043
I should have lost this game, especially after my stupid move 22, which should have been Qh3f5, which would have saved her.
Two pawns down from move 59 played out until move 82 when draw was finally accepted.
Phew it was a hard battle to get that draw.
Sure, here are all mine on RHP.
Game 3491696
Game 3487299
Game 3431336
Game 3410581
Game 3233159
Game 3338593
Game 3066487
Game 3099345
Game 2921166
Game 2920105
Game 2889530
Game 2862845
Game 2856191
Originally posted by c guy1Wow, what an insane game!!! White could have won though, there was no reason why he couldn't play kg3 to escape check. Even if you take the white Queen on the following move Rxa8+ wins...
Game 3525378
EDIT: From this position...
29. Kg3 ..Nxc6
30. Rxa8 ..Rg8 (or ..Ng8)
31. hxg8Q#
Originally posted by Marinkatomb29..Qf4+...white is forced to repeat otherwise white will lose
Wow, what an insane game!!! White could have won though, there was no reason why he couldn't play kg3 to escape check. Even if you take the white Queen on the following move Rxa8+ wins...
EDIT: From this position...
[fen]r6k/6rP/R4Qp1/1p1np3/4N3/1P2qP2/1PP2KP1/7R w - - 5 29[/fen]
29. Kg3 ..Nxc6
30. Rxa8 ..Rg8 (or ..Ng8)
31. hxg8Q#