I was doing n exercise on a chess site(I don't remember the site).
The exercise was to choose the right piece to promote to. In one at least it was to a rook instead of a queen.
I have seen positions where a knight is better than a queen, but can anyone think of a position where a bishop or a rook is better than a queen?
Originally posted by chessisvanityfor example, if a queen promotion would cause stalemate you would rather a different peice, sometimes a bishop, to safely deliver mate.
i'm retarded but i'd think the queen would have same affect as bishop....only more powerful.......but then again......i'm retarded....
i say there is no such position!!....(where a bishop promotion is better than a queen)
Originally posted by mazziewagExamples here...
for example, if a queen promotion would cause stalemate you would rather a different peice, sometimes a bishop, to safelty deliver mate.
Edit: the "Herman Mattison" example is a case I hadn't considered. Although it has to be very rare to say the least, and maybe only in such compositions.
Originally posted by PsychoPawn
I was doing n exercise on a chess site(I don't remember the site).
The exercise was to choose the right piece to promote to. In one at least it was to a rook instead of a queen.
I have seen positions where a knight is better than a queen, but can anyone think of a position where a bishop or a rook is better than a queen?
R & Q deliver stalemate, N cannot win.
Of course Kd7 might just be better so I'm close but not close enough.
Originally posted by MoneyMaker7I don't think it matters class-wise how you mate. A loss is a loss, a win is a win. A win might be more elegant or have a nicer combination with certain pieces, but they're both equally as classy.
How can you forget stalemate?!
Sometimes it's more classy to underpromote and mate than to mate with the queen. Just my opinion.
Unless you toy with someone to promote like, 3 queens just because you can, that's not so classy.