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Promote to rook or bishop not queen

Promote to rook or bishop not queen

Only Chess

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I was doing n exercise on a chess site(I don't remember the site).

The exercise was to choose the right piece to promote to. In one at least it was to a rook instead of a queen.

I have seen positions where a knight is better than a queen, but can anyone think of a position where a bishop or a rook is better than a queen?

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i'm retarded but i'd think the queen would have same affect as bishop....only more powerful.......but then again......i'm retarded....

i say there is no such position!!....(where a bishop promotion is better than a queen)

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Originally posted by chessisvanity
i'm retarded but i'd think the queen would have same affect as bishop....only more powerful.......but then again......i'm retarded....

i say there is no such position!!....(where a bishop promotion is better than a queen)
for example, if a queen promotion would cause stalemate you would rather a different peice, sometimes a bishop, to safely deliver mate.

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Originally posted by mazziewag
for example, if a queen promotion would cause stalemate you would rather a different peice, sometimes a bishop, to safelty deliver mate.
Examples here...


Edit: the "Herman Mattison" example is a case I hadn't considered. Although it has to be very rare to say the least, and maybe only in such compositions.

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well call me dorothy!!! i guess there is such a position.....

now if ya excuse me....i pissed the bed and i need to change the sheets.

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Thanks! I forgot about stalemate! I wish I had the URL for the example that I am thinking of, but I can't remember any possible stalemate.

I will take a look ag that link later though. Thanks!

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Originally posted by PsychoPawn
I was doing n exercise on a chess site(I don't remember the site).

The exercise was to choose the right piece to promote to. In one at least it was to a rook instead of a queen.

I have seen positions where a knight is better than a queen, but can anyone think of a position where a bishop or a rook is better than a queen?


R & Q deliver stalemate, N cannot win.

Of course Kd7 might just be better so I'm close but not close enough.

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Every move White can possibly make can lead to a win, except promotion to R or Q. And promotion to Q or R is possible, also, if it is just prepared by another move or moves. The key is that the Black king is trapped by its own pawn. So even a N promotion wins.

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How can you forget stalemate?!

Sometimes it's more classy to underpromote and mate than to mate with the queen. Just my opinion.

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Originally posted by MoneyMaker7
Sometimes it's more classy to underpromote and mate than to mate with the queen. Just my opinion.
I think that's called kicking them while they are down. 🙂

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I'd move Kd7 for the cleanest win. 2 knights would be very difficult and maybe impossible and Knight/Bishop are a easier but still very difficult for lower players.

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Originally posted by MoneyMaker7
How can you forget stalemate?!

Sometimes it's more classy to underpromote and mate than to mate with the queen. Just my opinion.
I don't think it matters class-wise how you mate. A loss is a loss, a win is a win. A win might be more elegant or have a nicer combination with certain pieces, but they're both equally as classy.

Unless you toy with someone to promote like, 3 queens just because you can, that's not so classy.

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Originally posted by deeploser
I think that's called kicking them while they are down. 🙂
I've seen a couple of games posted here where people tried to promote multiple queens or a gaggle of rooks before they mated.

I laugh my head off everytime someone tries this and ends ups with a stalemate.

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Originally posted by Dragon Fire


R & Q deliver stalemate, N cannot win.

Of course Kd7 might just be better so I'm close but not close enough.
think a bit, this is preatty easy to win with a Knight too 😉
Good example of mating with 2 Knights...

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