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protecting castles

protecting castles

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i've started to play the english again and one of my games went something like this

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which was pretty annoying so i thought about trying this to prevent my light bishop from attack

what do you guys think about this defence?

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Originally posted by trevor33
which was pretty annoying so i thought about trying this to prevent my light bishop from attack

[fen]rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/6P1/PPPPPPBP/RNBQ1RNK w kq - 0 1[/fen]

what do you guys think about this defence?
In my novice opinion is looks like your knight is not very active at all, and thus it doesn't look too good to me.

Edit: Also, with your king on h1 black could make you trade light squared bishops.

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Originally posted by o0obruceleeo0o
In my novice opinion is looks like your knight is not very active at all, and thus it doesn't look too good to me.
yes, but at the start of the game it very crowded i would bring it out later when theres more space available, right now its only job is to protect any attacks on the light bishop.

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Originally posted by o0obruceleeo0o
Edit: Also, with your king on h1 black could make you trade light squared bishops.
i have a pawn or the knight that i can block with if i need to.

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very bad idea. just wasting tempos and undeveloping your knight...

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Originally posted by trevor33
i've started to play the english again and one of my games went something like this

[fen]rn2kbnr/pppq1ppp/3p4/4p3/8/5NPb/PPPPPPBP/RNBQ1RK1 w kq - 0 1[/fen]
I frequently play the english but can't say I had this problem, was it a one off ??

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Originally posted by Mctayto
I frequently play the english but can't say I had this problem, was it a one off ??
yeah it was a one off that someone did it but i was looking through a few games and there was a couple of times that they could move their queen inline with the bishop and their wouldn't be a lot i can do to stop it.

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Originally posted by trevor33
yeah it was a one off that someone did it but i was looking through a few games and there was a couple of times that they could move their queen inline with the bishop and their wouldn't be a lot i can do to stop it.
That can often arise from the Reversed Dragon Variation. The remedy is to get in an early d4 (around move 9).

"The best remedy to a kingside attack is action in the centre".

P.S. I play the English too, it's a great opening, so much scope for original play.

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Originally posted by trevor33
yes, but at the start of the game it very crowded i would bring it out later when theres more space available, right now its only job is to protect any attacks on the light bishop.
the idea is to have more your people in the crowd instead of less. making that knight passive like that is like being one piece down already.

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why not play Bh1? Sack the rook for his bishop. That way you can play to control the light squarded squares ad he cant do anything about it.

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why not just simply let him exchange bishops....

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You're right not to want the exchange of bishops, best bet is to clear the rook to e1 asap then you can retreat the bishop to h1 if needs be.

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Originally posted by trevor33
i've started to play the english again and one of my games went something like this

[fen]rn2kbnr/pppq1ppp/3p4/4p3/8/5NPb/PPPPPPBP/RNBQ1RK1 w kq - 0 1[/fen]
If you give us a link to the game or the PGN we might be able to offer some more constructive advice.

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Dear trevor33, your plan violates basic principles like time, space and development. It wastes time by transferring your King to h1; your plan also cedes valuable space in center to overprotect the less consequential h3 square; lastly, but most importantly, your plan undevelopes your Knight by retreating it back to its starting square. If you played this experiment against me, I'd castle Queenside and push my h pawn to h4, then exchange on g3, double Rooks and mate you along the open file.

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