Okay, these are very popular, so anyone who wants to skip the queue can join this one. it isn't really high-power, but hopefully it will help.
Start by posting your acceptance if you want to join up, and also post 3 of your games for me to help you with, but finished (I probably am not allowed to help games in progress). it would also be helpful if you told me whether you can understand chess notation.
When you have accepted, start by posting what White threatens to do with their next move after:
9. Bb3
before 9:00 p.m. tomorrow night, when I intend to continue playing.
Game 2777020
Also, but only if you have the time, examine this positional game and tell me who's up at the end of the notation. By the way, if you accept you still don't have to, I just want to see who really wants the training.
White Black
1. e4 e5
2. f4 PxP
3. Nf3 Bc5
4. Bc4 Nf6
5. e5 Ng4
6. d4 Bb4
7. c3 Be7
8. BxP 0-0
9. h3 Nh6
10. BxN PxB
11. 0-0 Nc6
Originally posted by Mephisto2I know. I just gave people an easy answer as long as they bothered. But I am suprised you actually went through the game. I did the analysis board to make it and everything.
7. ... Be2 is not a legal move.
I assume you meant Be7. Black's3thd, 4th, 5th and 6th moves were weak. On each occasion, d5 was better.