I hated accepting a draw in this game. I just didn't see myself getting out of checks. If I could have I had ample material to win. After his rook sac could I have gotten out of checks?
Game 3121084
Originally posted by deeploserI think that you should have played f3 to have one more extra pawn to defend the g4 square and if he played nf6 maybe the best response would be Qc8 to make his knight stay foot on g8 again.after this one maybe move the king to safety.
I hated accepting a draw in this game. I just didn't see myself getting out of checks. If I could have I had ample material to win. After his rook sac could I have gotten out of checks?
Game 3121084
The way I seet it the problem was Qxc7, but i'm still relearning...
Yea, I don't believe you could have gotten out of perpetual check. I failed to see 12. Qd5+. Instead of playing 11 ...QxN I should have played NxN, imo. Once you forked my queen and knight, I figured unless you blundered away the game that I had lost. I was playing rather aimlessly after 18 ...Rf4. My only reason for this move was the hope that you would make a mistake and that I could force you into a perpetual check. I guess you could have tried 22. Kh1. That seems to make things harder on me.