Here are two.
11.Re1 leaves book but I was out of book after 10. ... Ba6. I had seen Marin's recommendation of this in my book days before but didn't remember it very deeply.
I had quite a time deciding between Nxf2 and Bxf2 for move 11. I picked the wrong one (but still have the advantage). 11. ... Nxf2 was almost crushing however.
After move 14, white is in quite a bind. Rd8 traps the queen, and if a piece interposes at d2 then e3 wins a piece. 15.Qd5 is an obvious blunder but even a queen safety move like 15.c3 will lose.
15.c3 Rd8 16.Qc2 Bc5 (maybe not best) 17.Bd2 Qf2 18.Na3 Bf1 was one way to do it. I didn't see all of this during the game (but might have). This is purely computer analysis (as I remember it from my post game analysis).
This one, I like more than the previous one. I am quite new to playing the Open Sicilian as white and was happy with my early play (even though I was out of book).
Unfortunately, the game is gone from my history, so I don't remember my opponent's handle or rating. This was a 3 minute game, I think.
6.Be2 was inspired by Karpov
7. ... b5 was a new move to move
My 8.Bf3! was in fact the best move (I believe). The main threat is 8. ... Bb7 9.e5.
I was very happy with my 14.Nxe6.
17.Qxe6+ is a real lemon, however. The main problem is that after 17. ... Qe7! I have to trade the queens to get my piece back. This kills any chance of an initiative (and only leaves me with a slight edge).
17.fxg3 ! immediately leaves white with an edge. 17.fxg3 Qh3 18.Qc4 ! (no castling for black) and if Be7 I think Rf1 was correct.
17. ... Be7 ?
18. ... Qf6 again 19.Qc4
After Rf1 he resigned but there is play left.
I knew not to capture on f8 after 19. ... Rf8. I think correct was 20.Bd4 in that case.
Originally posted by FabianFnasIt was my understanding that a miniature is a game under 20 moves.
What's a miniature?
I thought the limit for a game to be called a miniature was 15 moves, and then the game should be mated, or at least the mate within reach in a few moves further.
Is there an established definition of a 'miniature'?