So I played a speculative exchange sac starting with 12... Nxg3 planning to get the piece back with Rxe5+ (losing the exchange). I thought my opponent did well to get to a point where his rooks were connected and almost in the game. Had he not fallen for my cheap tricks, he should have then won. Could I have improved on my play, or was this sac flawed to begin with?
Edit: link to game helps...
Game 3789527
Originally posted by zebanohuh?
So I played a speculative exchange sac starting with 12... Nxg3 planning to get the piece back with Rxe5+ (losing the exchange). I thought my opponent did well to get to a point where his rooks were connected and almost in the game. Had he not fallen for my cheap tricks, he should have then won. Could I have improved on my play, or was this sac flawed to begin with?
Originally posted by zebanoI think you played a very nice game, well done.
So I played a speculative exchange sac starting with 12... Nxg3 planning to get the piece back with Rxe5+ (losing the exchange). I thought my opponent did well to get to a point where his rooks were connected and almost in the game. Had he not fallen for my cheap tricks, he should have then won. Could I have improved on my play, or was this sac flawed to begin with?
Edit: link to game helps...
Game 3789527
Originally posted by Restless Soulohhh...hmm I think it was unnecessary, you where a lot better before Qh4, in fact, I like f6 in that position. I like how white played Na4 later on and walked into a mating net. I would like to see the game after Rf1 instead of Na4, black is better, but white can put up some defense.
Originally posted by zebanoUnless I'm missing something 11 ... f6 (as suggested by Restless Soul) wins a piece.
So I played a speculative exchange sac starting with 12... Nxg3 planning to get the piece back with Rxe5+ (losing the exchange). I thought my opponent did well to get to a point where his rooks were connected and almost in the game. Had he not fallen for my cheap tricks, he should have then won. Could I have improved on my play, or was this sac flawed to begin with?
Edit: link to game helps...
Game 3789527
12 Nf3 Nxc3+ and white is in awful shape and I don't see any tactics preventing ... fxe5 in a move or two if the knight doesn't move. Other knight moves don't help either
Originally posted by ErekoseI think You're right. I just got so caught up in playing a "sac" for initiative that I just missed the easier win.
Unless I'm missing something 11 ... f6 (as suggested by Restless Soul) wins a piece.
12 Nf3 Nxc3+ and white is in awful shape and I don't see any tactics preventing ... fxe5 in a move or two if the knight doesn't move. Other knight moves don't help either