I checked two sources and both of them have the same puzzle. It says White to move and win but white is down a piece and can't win. The best move I found is c4 but black is still better though. Anyone have the book? It's puzzle three but I think there is a minor piece missing for white. If you add a minor piece to white sides then yes, it's White to move and win. Here's the puzzle:
This is the solution I found and fritz but it's not winning for white. Add a minor piece to white side and it would be winning for white.
1.c4 If the knight moves then 2.c5 winning a piece, the bishop is pinned to the king.
1.c4 Bxg3 2.hxg3 c6 3.cxd5 Nxd5
White wins a piece but black is still better.
I'm going to add a minor piece for white into that puzzle and save it. Then the solution will make sense. I don't have the book but maybe the person putting the puzzles online missed a minor piece for white when he was copying the puzzle from the book or maybe the book missed it.
Originally posted by RahimKWhat is the number of the puzzle? I have the book.
I checked two sources and both of them have the same puzzle. It says White to move and win but white is down a piece and can't win. The best move I found is c4 but black is still better though. Anyone have the book? It's puzzle three but I think there is a minor piece missing for white. If you add a minor piece to white sides then yes, it's White to move and ...[text shortened]... in. Here's the puzzle:
[fen]r2k4/1pp2rpp/pn1b1p2/3n4/8/P4NB1/1PP3PP/2KRR3 w - - 0 1[/fen]
It's puzzle # 3 in the book. The book makes no claim that white wins(the top of the page simply states White Moves First), just that white can exploit a pin and win some material (in this case, reducing his deficit). The solution that you arrived at is the same as the one given by the author.
1. c4! which leaves either a knight retreat such as ...Ne7 and 2. c5! picks up the pinned bishop -or-
1. Nxc4 when white plays RxN
either way, white gets his piece back, but is still down 2 pawns no matter how you cut it.
c4 is the best move on the board, so i guess it would be the one you should make. however, the book it comes from is 1001 winning chess sacrifices and combinations (Reinfeld 1955). It clearly doesn't win the game. I like the book because it doesn't have dozens and dozens of queen sacs that lead to a forced checkmate in 5 moves (something i've never experienced in real life). These are the kinds of things that could come up in your games. simple two or three move tactics that you always kick yourself over, when you do a postgame analysis. This is a flawed example because it doesn't lead to a win, but the book is still great.
Originally posted by BLReidWell thats true, but the way the position is now it's very interesting. First I just want to say that the online sites say White to move and win.
Might there be some value in learning to look for tactical opportunities when behind? The book doesn't claim that white wins here.
K so the puzzles. Right now white is down 1 piece and 1 pawn = 4 points about. After this tactic he is down 2 pawns =2 points but he has helped black trade of pieces which black likes, The black knight on d5 is great and white has ruined his pawns structure.
So it depends. O well, i'm just going to add another minor pieces then it will makes sense next time I do it.