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Reply From Black

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What do I do against
1 e4 e5
2 Qh5 ...

The Opponent would plan 3 Qh5xe4+, but I usually defend my e-pawn with a weak move f6 or Nc6.
The move go aganist devolpment and I know that.
So what do I DO!

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You certainly cannot play 2...f6?!? as it will put your king in check. The best move would be 2...Nc6!? followed by 3...Nf6 pushing away the queen and developing with a tempo. 2...d6 also looks okay.

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yeap, I agree with u !

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Originally posted by ilywrin
You certainly cannot play 2...f6?!? as it will put your king in check. The best move would be 2...Nc6!? followed by 3...Nf6 pushing away the queen and developing with a tempo. 2...d6 also looks okay.
Playing 2. .. Nc6 followed by 3. Nf6 leads to 4. Qxf7# if White plays 3. Bc4. Black has to play 3... g6 followed by Nf6 afterward.

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Originally posted by CapaPatzer316
Playing 2. .. Nc6 followed by 3. Nf6 leads to 4. Qxf7# if White plays 3. Bc4. Black has to play 3... g6 followed by Nf6 afterward.
or 3. ... Qe7

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If you face that, smile, because white just gave up the slight edge they had.

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It's a friend of mine who does this when he is white. I nomally beat him when he is black.

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Originally posted by Knight Square
What do I do against
1 e4 e5
2 Qh5 ...

The Opponent would plan 3 Qh5xe4+, but I usually defend my e-pawn with a weak move f6 or Nc6.
The move go aganist devolpment and I know that.
So what do I DO!
Try 2. ... Nf6 sacrificing a pawn. After 3. Qxe5+ Be7 you will soon get a big lead in development by playing natural moves like O-O, Nc6, d5 etc. Use this to attack your opponent, especially his queen and if the centre opens up, the king stuck on e1.

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That is one of the principles of chess called time For example in the game below I decided to harass black's Queen in exchange for him grabbing my pawn. Don't go pawn grabbing in the openingGame 2044222

Note how I mobillised my forces while his pieces were still on the back rank.

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Originally posted by z00t
That is one of the principles of chess called [b]time For example in the game below I decided to harass black's Queen in exchange for him grabbing my pawn. Don't go pawn grabbing in the openingGame 2044222

Note how I mobillised my forces while his pieces were still on the back rank.[/b]
In bizarro Kasparov-speak, shouldn't that be the exchange of Material for Time, rather than just Time?

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1.e4 e5 2. Qh5 Nc6 [protects the pawn, develops a peice] 3. Bc4? Qe7 [defends mate] 4. d3 Nf6 [attacks Queen, develops knight] 5.Qe2


... 3. Bc4 g6 [defending mate, chasing Queen] 4. Qf3 Nf6 [defends mate, devolops Knight]

and once you put your bishop on g7 then 0-0 Black is fine, if not better

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