I don't like it when people resign an unclear or better position without giving a reason. I wouldn't mind if they said "Got to drop a few games I have too many going on" ,"Started a new job and don't have the time", or whatever the reason happens to be, but I invest a fair bit of energy into the games on here and to just have someone quit is imo impolite yes. Personally I try to always accompany a resignation with at least a "gg wp" or "I didn't notice that! wp, thanks for the game".
Maybe some lads would rather just stop when all hope appears to be gone.
They may have left a message but it got lost when they resigned or they forgot to do so.
I usually send a good game (or an excuse) PM the move before I resign or
mention it in the other game if there is one.
Other may be so disgusted with themselves for playing a silly move they just quit.
I wanted to resign a move on the spot a few days ago when I sent a move I was
intending to look at on the analyse board. I was so lost in thought I simply clicked submit.
There should be a warning screen giving you 10 seconds to undo any mouse slips.
OK maybe not. If there was I'd have a lot fewer games for the blog.
Game 11727595 I was going to give the interesting (and better) 25...Qh4 a good look.
Instead of the automatic recapture on e3 which I was looking at on the game screen.
I hit submit and now it all looks bad...very bad.
Originally posted by greenpawn34I have on occasion resigned games simply because I got too busy and I found that my addiction to online chess was impacting my life adversely. I hereby apologize to anyone who may have been annoyed by my premature resignations in the past.
Maybe some lads would rather just stop when all hope appears to be gone.
They may have left a message but it got lost when they resigned or they forgot to do so.
I usually send a good game (or an excuse) PM the move before I resign or
mention it in the other game if there is one.
Other may be so disgusted with themselves for playing a silly move ...[text shortened]... e3 which I was looking at on the game screen.
I hit submit and now it all looks bad...very bad.
Originally posted by JerrardI once witnessed a club game and our board 5 had a smothered mate, but her opponent resigned so she couldn't play out this spectacular finish.
Is a resignation ever considered impolite?
This didn't go down well with our team (it didn't seem to matter that our girl kept saying she hadn't seen it and wouldn't have seen it.)
So,I would agree that sometimes it might be better to play the game out if your opponent has a glorious mate and there are a few spectators there to share and maybe get some deflected glory.