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RHP Championship 2014

RHP Championship 2014

Only Chess

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This is always good fun. Everybody in.

Tournament 19582


Originally posted by greenpawn34
This is always good fun. Everybody in.

Tournament 19582
A tournament bound to be won by an engine with a time control that rewards moving while your opponent is asleep? No thanks.


Originally posted by BigDoggProblem
A tournament bound to be won by an engine with a time control that rewards moving while your opponent is asleep? No thanks.
With 50 days to move you can move 100 moves without running out of time if you did twice a day. I can guarantee you not all of your 16 matches would go 100 moves. And if you did conditional moves after every move and you predicted their moves right you could do 200 moves without running out of time in 50 days. I definitely can guarantee you non of your 16 matches would go that far in moves.

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Originally posted by RBHILL
With 50 days to move you can move 100 moves without running out of time if you did twice a day. I can guarantee you not all of your 16 matches would go 100 moves. And if you did conditional moves after every move and you predicted their moves right you could do 200 moves without running out of time in 50 days. I definitely can guarantee you non of your 16 matches would go that far in moves.
Yes, I could; but I should not have to move that fast. I should be able to take a day or two to think about an interesting position, if I want.


The top two in the tourney are already obvious engine users. What's the point?

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Originally posted by BigDoggProblem
A tournament bound to be won by an engine with a time control that rewards moving while your opponent is asleep? No thanks.
indeed, if the site cannot be bothered to take care of cheats then why play.


mr. suits initial odds

bigcat- 40%
carp- 44%
next 5- 1%
field- ZERO


Originally posted by King Tiger
The top two in the tourney are already obvious engine users. What's the point?





Originally posted by King Tiger
The top two in the tourney are already obvious engine users. What's the point?
The point is not necessarily to win. Resign your games if you think you're up against a duck.

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Originally posted by RBHILL
With 50 days to move you can move 100 moves without running out of time if you did twice a day. I can guarantee you not all of your 16 matches would go 100 moves. And if you did conditional moves after every move and you predicted their moves right you could do 200 moves without running out of time in 50 days. I definitely can guarantee you non of your 16 matches would go that far in moves.
Lets say someone has a whopping 4 hours (most probably don't) to play this tournament. To protect themselves from timeout they do 2 hours am/2 hours pm. 120min/16g = 7.5 per if I'm not mistaken. That fits better with a OTB quality than CC.. .and its supposed to be for a site championship.

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Originally posted by thaughbaer
The point is not necessarily to win. Resign your games if you think you're up against a duck.
I second the motion. I play in this tournament for fun.


Next blog I have a link so you can download all the games from 2013 RHP championship.

You will see 90% of the games are decided by human blunders.
Lovely terrible blunders that will be blogged.

If you think your opponent is a user then just resign or sit on the game
and get skulled, play crazy chess or play your best or do what ever you
want but don't sulk and miss out on all the fun.
Don't let a handful of clowns ruin it

Experiment and enjoy.


Originally posted by thaughbaer
The point is not necessarily to win. Resign your games if you think you're up against a duck.
I can see your and Paul's point and I don't mean to be a downer on the whole thing. A site championship is a good idea and should be fun. However, on my end if I play well in my games chances are very high I would end up in the final group against these two clowns. If I go that far, I want to play to win and for fun and it is very annoying to put in time to only meet a cheat who will use an engine against me almost certainly in every move. But I see your points still. I guess it is just more a personal perspective/gripe here.

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Will i be playing 16 games at once?

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
This is always good fun. Everybody in.

Tournament 19582
I stopped playing in it a couple of years ago. In the first round a 1200 rated player was clearly using an engine in my section. He aced the section except for 1 draw which I just managed to hold. I reported him and nothing was done. This was in the time when we were supposed to have people actively working to find computer cheats.

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