I ended up drawing this endgame as black. There was a bit of venom left because my opponent had very little time to think. (30 sec. left with 2 sec. incr.). It wasn't until I went back and analyzed my game (which you should do too!) that I realized I had missed a good shot. So in the following position, Show me how you'd play on as black.
(black to move)
Originally posted by PhySiQAha.
I ended up drawing this endgame as black. There was a bit of venom left because my opponent had very little time to think. (30 sec. left with 2 sec. incr.). It wasn't until I went back and analyzed my game (which you should do too!) that I realized I had missed a good shot. So in the following position, [b]Show me how you'd play on as black.
(black to move)
[fen]8/r5k1/5p1p/3p1p1K/p1pP1P2/R1P1r1P1/2P2R1P/8 b - - 8 1 [/fen]
I'll pm you my solution and leave a hint here.
As the king you must help even your lowest subjects even if it means traveling far to the west
Originally posted by tomtom232I like your general idea here. Its more or less what I was thinking although, in the PM I sent you - you'll notice that one tinsy intsy detail may not be 100%.
I'll pm you my solution and leave a hint here.
[hidden]As the king you must help even your lowest subjects even if it means traveling far to the west[/hidden]
I'd still do it that way anyway, against time trouble I think white could easily fall.
Originally posted by PhySiQYou said there is no mate on after the black king leaves f7 but if your king is on e6, e7 or e8 and white takes the h pawn then you move Kf7 and white looks like he can avoid mate but at the cost of a rook.
I like your general idea here. Its more or less what I was thinking although, in the PM I sent you - you'll notice that one tinsy intsy detail may not be 100%.
I'd still do it that way anyway, against time trouble I think white could easily fall.
Originally posted by tomtom232Well done. I'd say that counts as sneaky. 🙂 Its too bad that I missed this opportunity in the game. I accepted the draw as I couldn't find a way out immediately and I didn't think he'd ever take h7. I think there might have been a way to sneak that king over to a5 but I didn't find it. Its an interesting position though none-the-less.
You said there is no mate on after the black king leaves f7 but if your king is on e6, e7 or e8 and white takes the h pawn then you move Kf7 and white looks like he can avoid mate but at the cost of a rook.
[pgn][FEN "8/r5k1/5p1p/3p1p1K/p1pP1P2/R1P1r1P1/2P2R1P/8 b - - 8 1"]1.Kf7 Rg2 2.Ke7 Rf2 {2...Kxh6 3.Kf7 Kh7 4.Re8-g8 followed by Kf8+} 3.Kd8 {this is ...[text shortened]... hould lose from here... For instance.} Re2+ 7.Kf7 Kh7 8.Kf8+ Kh6 9.Rg7 Re8+ 10.Kxe8 Rxa4[/pgn]
My opponent was in time trouble, so I think I probably could have scraped something off the bottom of the barrel if I was a bit wiser.
Good job Mr. TomTom
Originally posted by PhySiQI'm not sure if you can get to a5 with best play as you said because if white just waits for your king to move one file further then he can safely take the pawn, I think, since if you ever move your rook off of the e file he can grab it and cut your king off from the kingside.
Well done. I'd say that counts as sneaky. 🙂 Its too bad that I missed this opportunity in the game. I accepted the draw as I couldn't find a way out immediately and I didn't think he'd ever take h7. I think there might have been a way to sneak that king over to a5 but I didn't find it. Its an interesting position though none-the-less.
My opponent wa ...[text shortened]... ed something off the bottom of the barrel if I was a bit wiser.
Good job Mr. TomTom
Originally posted by tomtom232That was my thinking in game. That I couldn't cross the e file (even though I controlled it). My later analysis was that threatening h2 might have been able to break something loose, even if I did give up the e file. I think alot has to happen for black to lose here - but a win is only a small error (of whites) away I think.
I'm not sure if you can get to a5 with best play as you said because if white just waits for your king to move one file further then he can safely take the pawn, I think, since if you ever move your rook off of the e file he can grab it and cut your king off from the kingside.
My opponent played well in our other games, it may very well have been wise to have accepted the draw.
Originally posted by PhySiQI think we can fall back on a platitude. All rook endgames are drawn.
That was my thinking in game. That I couldn't cross the e file (even though I controlled it). My later analysis was that threatening h2 might have been able to break something loose, even if I did give up the e file. I think alot has to happen for black to lose here - but a win is only a small error (of whites) away I think.
My opponent played well in our other games, it may very well have been wise to have accepted the draw.
Originally posted by tomtom232Rook pawn endings are the prettiest in chess - as far as I am concerned. That sentiment you share for rook endgames is quite a fiery subject. I'm in the Tartakower camp 🙂
I think we can fall back on a platitude. All rook endgames are drawn.
I don't think there is any study worth more to a player than rook pawn endings. It teaches so much with so very little. Furthermore these endings may be the lessons which a player may never escape (they are of every degree of complexity).