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Show me your king move checkmates...

Show me your king move checkmates...

Only Chess

...here's mine:

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Here's one of the most famous ones:

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This one is a more artistic interpretation of "King move checkmate" - not a literal one!

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
This one is a more artistic interpretation of "King move checkmate" - not a literal one!

[Event "Tilburg 53/115"]
[Site "Tilburg 53/115"]
[Date "1991.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Nigel Short"]
[Black "Jan Timman"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "0"]
[BlackElo "0"]
[EventDate "?"]
[ECO "B04"]
[PlyCount "67"]
1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. ...[text shortened]... r does he? } 31. Kh2 Rc8 32. Kg3 Rce8 33. Kf4 Bc8 34. Kg5
In my mind, this game is one of the greatest strategic conceptions of all time. I remember seeing it a little after it was first played, and it still amazes me to see it again.

Total board paralysis!

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A friend of mine, a 1700 players, had given up playing and
not pushed a pawn for years.
I showed him the then recent Short -Timman game.
The game inspiired him so much he picked up the piece again.

Although the thread has gone slightly off track.
(I'll appear later with some King mating moves from RHP - if I can find one).

This King march from 1930 deserves to be more well known.

Henri Weenink - Louis Gans 1930

I don't think it was planned , who knows?
I just wonder when White thought: "Hang on...I have an idea here."

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SwissGambit's first example is a peach and a new one on me. Nice one.

Also - no excuses needed for the king walks either.

If I was Weenink I'd have retired from chess the day after that and spent the rest of my life accosting strangers:

"Have you ever heard about the time I beat Louis Gans by walking the king up the board in the middle game? Yes, that was me. Let me show you how it went..."

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Great stuff up in here.

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...or your Bishop move checkmates...we really don't mind. :-D

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Shortest castles with mate. White 14 moves.

dvm2788 - bluerabie RHP 2008

Shortest castles with mate. Black 16 moves

Surtism - AudioRapture RHP 2009

King move and mates.

Valde - Ktech5 RHP 2008

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Are there examples of forced king moves that 'accidently' checkmate the attacker? Reminds me of that artificial game in which one player was forced to checkmate the other.

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Originally posted by tvochess
Are there examples of forced king moves that 'accidently' checkmate the attacker? Reminds me of that artificial game in which one player was forced to checkmate the other.

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i am abeginner.. but who did win..?. it is not over?
for me white still stands a chance?
yours pierre

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Originally posted by PIerre33
i am abeginner.. but who did win..?. it is not over?
for me white still stands a chance?
In what game? All games in this thread ended in checkmate. One has very little chance left after one has been checkmated.


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