23 Mar 07
Originally posted by raioxI don't understand why there are no autotimeouts and autostarts on sieges.
Is there any kudos associated with particular boards? i can't understand why some boards are more popular than others, especially Red board 1/0 where 45 people are waiting for a board that hasn't played for over a year?
Originally posted by leisurelyslothLike this??
This is a good point and should probably be in the site ideas forum. I just sent feedback asking Russ/Chris to clear this up. It's crazy for siege boards to sit empty like that.
Thread 58444
Originally posted by Dragon FireIt is because this board existed under the old sytem (were there were FAR less boards to choose from). The people in the que are left over from then...
Strange. This should be very quick with 1/0 time limit but it looks as if the next game just hasn't started. Not sure what makes it start and then timeout. Surely white should be timed out if he does not move.