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Silly K+Q vs. K+N endgame

Silly K+Q vs. K+N endgame

Only Chess

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I reached this position in blitz, I eventually won but hardly because I was short of time. I got frustrated so I set up the position against shredder 3 classic and it took me 19 moves to deliver checkmate.

If you care, you can try to play this against your fritz (you as black, white on move) so post me your number of moves before checkmate. I am curious how you will handle that and compare it with your rating!

Are there any patterns I should know to convert this situation in non-branier win or should I just play it like Silman advises in his Endgame manual (doing the same like queen vs. lone king, slowly driving him to the edge of the board, only in this case watching for nasty forks ) ?

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is this harder than K vs K+B+N or am ithinking of K+Q / vs K+R.

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Originally posted by bonesplitter
is this harder than K vs K+B+N or am ithinking of K+Q / vs K+R.
It is not really hard, more annoying... So I want to know if there is some common maneuver in this type of position to make this done as fast as possible.

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Originally posted by bonesplitter
is this harder than K vs K+B+N or am ithinking of K+Q / vs K+R.
K + Q vrs K + R is hard, but doable. Basically you have to separate the two pieces so you can fork them.

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This is awkward. I got a draw against a higher rated player in a rapid play game with just a knight against his queen. There are an awful lot of forks and checks to avoid.

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I guess most people know how, but for anyone who does not, it can be practiced here:


2 edits
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Originally posted by clandarkfire
I guess most people know how, but for anyone who does not, it can be practiced here:

after 15 moves i pushed them into this position:

...Ne3 over?

then taking its stalemate.. a wild goosechase 😛

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Originally posted by irontigran
after 15 moves i pushed them into this position:
[fen]8/8/8/3n4/8/8/1K3Q2/3k4 w - - 0 1[/fen]

...Ne3 over?

then taking its stalemate.. a wild goosechase 😛
took me 17 moves. But I think the start positions are pretty random

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Originally posted by ivan2908
I reached this position in blitz, I eventually won but hardly because I was short of time. I got frustrated so I set up the position against shredder 3 classic and it took me 19 moves to deliver checkmate.

If you care, you can try to play this against your fritz (you as black, white on move) so post me your number of moves before checkmate. I am curious ...[text shortened]... only in this case watching for nasty forks ) ?

[fen]2q5/8/2k5/8/5N2/5K2/8/8 w - - 0 1 [/fen]
Keep your King and Queen on different colored squares so you don't get forked.

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Originally posted by der schwarze Ritter
Keep your King and Queen on different colored squares so you don't get forked.
That is kind of shorcut I was asking for, I mean, I wouldn't get forked but I would lose on time avoiding. This simple advice will make me faster! Thanks

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Originally posted by der schwarze Ritter
Keep your King and Queen on different colored squares so you don't get forked.
...and also utilise the tactic of pinning the knight to the king with your queen. He aint going to fork you then my friend.

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Originally posted by zebano
K + Q vrs K + R is hard, but doable. Basically you have to separate the two pieces so you can fork them.
Ivanchuk tied a game K+Q vs K+R against another superGM. He was playing with the rook. Well played, it's a REAL difficult ending.

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