Originally posted by SupermanI went to a camp one summer and played an IM in a simul...
Next saturday 25th comes an IM to my city to offer a simultaneous exibition, and I think I will play agaist him, any advice some who have had this experience.
I know I wont beat him but at least I can try.
Nothing really special about it, though. You could ask yourself, since in a sense, you are playing a simul by playing multiple games on RHP at once.
Originally posted by JusuhYou can beat a GM in a simul. I once got myself into an "easy win" against a Russian GM then after a few moves in my "won" position, as the number of boards reduced, he suddenly started blitzing everyone else and getting back to me quickly.
i have played in simul againt top-GM and I have given simul to...well...under 1600 players. Its nothing special, you are lot weaker and you will lose no matter what. Best you can hope is to have good even game.
The rules stated that I had to move as soon as he came to my board whilst he could spend as much time as he wanted thinking once he got there. I found this unfair as I was now playing the blitz and he took ages over each move and of course I blundered and eventually lost.
If I had been able to spend as much time thinking as he was allowed I could have won it.
Originally posted by SupermanI played a Im in a timed simul. I lost because I got into time trouble (well, he had 3 minutes and I had 5). We went over the game afterwards, and there were 3 lines that led to a draw and 1 that led through a win(for him). Interestingly enough, it was a K and 2 knights vs. K and pawn. The two knights would checkmate because the pawn prevented me from stalemating.
Next saturday 25th comes an IM to my city to offer a simultaneous exibition, and I think I will play agaist him, any advice some who have had this experience.
I know I wont beat him but at least I can try.
Originally posted by SupermanYou can search the FIDE ratings. Strangely, I tried and didn't find his name in the rating list.
How can I find his ELO.
His name is Nelson Pinal Borges, from Cuba.
His info seems to say that he lives in the Dominican Republic now, but I tried both Cuba and DOM, and I couldn't find him. (Actually, I tried all countries, and I still couldn't find him.)