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Skeeter Back at 1615

Skeeter Back at 1615

Only Chess


(post pending.....)

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The lady does nothing by halves does she?

(though in this case she has shredded one third of her grade).

Skeets has tossed away a pile of games in progress (all bar one).
The others she has kept are still in the opening stage.

Why keep one on going, why leave that one till the end?

Nmzo reckons it might be a silent protest:

"or it is silent protest to the amount of motor oil at the top..."

A silent protest! That was a big BANG!

The game left, standing out like a sore thumb. Game 8731331.
Has the lady lowered her grade so her partner in this game will not feed
of her then high grade?

This is pure speculation of course.
Is it a gesture of noble proportions.
What a way to make a point.
(or what a way to make over 700 points - by losing them.)

An FPT would have done, though in a way this is better than an FTP.

Like her or loathe her you have to admit the lady is amazing and principles rule.

'Skeeter threads are the best' is a common quote.
(Perhaps Skeets was jealous about all the attention K & P was getting) 🙂

Anyway, I've put two and two together, most likely got five.
(A man can never figure out the workings of the female mind. I've been
married to one for 35 years and still get it wrong........everyday.)

I can only leave it up to the reader to play over the game let him decide.
No comments remember it is still in progress.

You can look at these two Game 8704223 & Game 8683664
and make a comment. Most 2000+ players who have been here a while have
games like that in thier locker, especially those with such a high load.
But the lad has only been here 6 weeks. (2+2=5).

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It's a ladder game so couldn't be refused or resigned ? The plot thickens...

Hmm... Skeeter was the challenger..

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Originally posted by thaughbaer
It's a ladder game so couldn't be refused or resigned ? The plot thickens...

Hmm... Skeeter was the challenger..
I had thought she got deleted.

Some day i will be up in the top 10 on RHP.
I am getting lessons from the Aundrey Chumachenko, he is about rated 150th on the USCF and he is a Fide master. so in 3 years expect me to be a challenge.


Mystery solved. One of the English rugby team while on a night out and 'letting off steam' broke into Skeeter's house and planted an RHP Game Resigning trojan on her computer. Later on he was caught on CCTV in a bar with a fella in a kilt giving him a lapdance. The footage is a little blurry but I'm sure I've seen him somewhere before..

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
The lady does nothing by halves does she?

(though in this case she has shredded one third of her grade).

Skeets has tossed away a pile of games in progress (all bar one).
The others she has kept are still in the opening stage.

Why keep one on going, why leave that one till the end?

Nmzo reckons it might be a silent protest:

"or it is sile ...[text shortened]... especially those with such a high load.
But the lad has only been here 6 weeks. (2+2=5).
It looks like she resigned to the littluns first too, only resigning against the 2000+ crowd when most of her points had been haemorraged. What a way to draw attention to an oily individual 🙂


I have to admit I had not considered the 'RHP Game Resigning Trojan Virus'.
This must be an upgrade of the RHP Game Bad Move Virus.' which we all seem to have.

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Still 20 games in progress.. this does not seem like a toy throwing episode.. games against well known players like jankrb are still in progress. I'm off on vacation damnit.. put this thread on hold till I get back.

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I'm just a lowly chess player on this site and haven't been on long enough to know much of the history of the top players on this site, so I am not really able to judge things, but why is there such a fuss about skeeter? Just curious.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
The lady does nothing by halves does she?

(though in this case she has shredded one third of her grade).

Skeets has tossed away a pile of games in progress (all bar one).
The others she has kept are still in the opening stage.

Why keep one on going, why leave that one till the end?

Nmzo reckons it might be a silent protest:

"or it is sile ...[text shortened]... especially those with such a high load.
But the lad has only been here 6 weeks. (2+2=5).
Could she be suffering some kind of mental breakdown?

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Could she be suffering some kind of mental breakdown?
Doubtful. She is nothing if not purposeful. I'm sure she had her reasons, and cannot wait to find out what they were/are.

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Originally posted by DerJager
I'm just a lowly chess player on this site and haven't been on long enough to know much of the history of the top players on this site, so I am not really able to judge things, but why is there such a fuss about skeeter? Just curious.
Longevity at top
Attitude in forums

I've only really taken an interest since GP did his thread on Skeeter's system. As morgski has pointed out the resignations were not in a random order. There's always something there with Skeeter if you look a little deeper.


Originally posted by thaughbaer
Longevity at top
Attitude in forums

I've only really taken an interest since GP did his thread on Skeeter's system. As morgski has pointed out the resignations were not in a random order. There's always something there with Skeeter if you look a little deeper.
could it be simply a tantrum? Kaoslos is grabbng all the attention and skeety throws a
tantrum to demand some attention.

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Wow, didn't see that coming!


She is winning rating points from the rich and giving them to the poor, a bit like Robin Hood!

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