I have been testing out a new fritz with some especially difficult puzzles but it seems to be able to solve every one it is given more or less instantly. I didnt realise the computer was quite THAT good now - has anybody else managed to find a mating attack, or win of material that an engine cannot spot? The quest continues....
I'm naff at this tempo tossing zugzwang stuff, it's too cute.
I need something to calculate (patterns to recall).
I'm a caveman whose attacks usually need a blunder, not an ice skater.
I'll be miffed at not getting it but not as annoyed as I used to get.
There was a time these things would totally devour me.
Hide the solution - I'll give it another try.
Originally posted by greenpawn34
Apperently the latest boxes are struggling with this one.
White to play and win.
[fen]n2Bqk2/5p1p/Q4KP1/p7/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1[/fen]
I'm getting close but keep getting bogged down in lines similiar to this.
I'm sure I have the right idea but have only been working on it off and on for
a few days in spare moments since I saw it on Chessbase.
. .
white to play
1. Qc8 Kg8 2. Bc7 Qxc8 3. gxf7+ Kh8 4. Be5 Qc5[/pgn]
Seems like black is unwound here... the only move not leading to made is Nb6......
Seems pretty conclusive from here.
Originally posted by Tyrannosauruschexhow about this position?
I have been testing out a new fritz with some especially difficult puzzles but it seems to be able to solve every one it is given more or less instantly. I didnt realise the computer was quite THAT good now - has anybody else managed to find a mating attack, or win of material that an engine cannot spot? The quest continues....
These types of positions break many engines, where the very simple rule
Rooks behind Passed pawns
Seems to be violated. Interestingly enough, some engines will see
whereby failing horribly.
The Ra8 problem is maddening, where many engines prune the correct move out of
the tree very early. It seems related to a tier scoring issue, where in the table the
black king has several moves before the value of the position will finally begin to
diminish for black, and thus the engines miss it! This position itself, is really an
extension of the horizon effect; only with tier scoring having produced a violent ripple
on the engines ability to play this ending correctly.
Originally posted by heinzkatIndeed... Solved I do believe
I bet Ba1 is involved (and probably I've seen the thing before)
1. Qc8 Kg8 2. Bc7 (nod to GP34) Qxc8 3. gxf7+ Kh8 4. Be5 (thanks Heinz!) Qc5 (containment)
And this is where your zugzwang takes place heinz!
5. Bb2 Where blacks greatest delay lies in ...Nc7 6. Ba1 and now the a pawn
is the last delay before mate falls.
EDIT: actually black has slightly more delay left... Nb5!
11. Ke6+ Nc3 12. Bxc3+ Qxc3 13. f8=Q#
Did it with big clue from Heinz and thrown a red herring by Nowakowski
who made me think I was the wrong path. (I see he has corrected it).
I kept trying to Zug Black by blocking the a-pawn.
Then it dawned on me - let Black Queen and take it.
After 10.Bxa1 Black is in Zuggers and it's mate.
A wonderful piece of chess composition. Superb.
How quick are R3 & F12 getting this?
M. Matous, 1975