Originally posted by kwjoeEntertaining and instructional chess books:
Most chess books are so damn dry, I can't get thru them, does anyone have any suggestions on something a touch more upbeat?
"Chess for Dummies" -Eade
"Guide to Good Chess" - Purdy
"Chess the Easy Way"- Fine
"Mastering Chess" - Kopec, et. al.
Originally posted by kwjoeI found that too but then I started to think of chess books to "study" rather than to read. That way it bothers me less that I'm still on the first chapter after a month.
Most chess books are so damn dry, I can't get thru them, does anyone have any suggestions on something a touch more upbeat?
Originally posted by kwjoeYeah just reading people explainging stuff can get kinda boring, sometimes. Maybe if you tried a puzzle book. that way you'd be actively engaged in it; trying to solve it's puzzles and stuff. This also really helps in learning tactics.
Most chess books are so damn dry, I can't get thru them, does anyone have any suggestions on something a touch more upbeat?
Reinfeld's "One Thousand and One Winning Chess Sacrifices and Combinations" & "1001 Brilliant ways to checkmate" are good.
If you want a reading book too, though. I like Silman's "How to Reassess your chess" & "The Amateur's Mind".
Good luck! 🙂
-- Paul (Pavlo87)
Originally posted by kwjoeChess books? All Seven Books of GM Lev ALburt's and GM Sam Palatnik's Comprehensive Chess Course Series. Great reading and you can make master with full dedication.
Most chess books are so damn dry, I can't get thru them, does anyone have any suggestions on something a touch more upbeat?