Originally posted by PalynkaMany of you already got it. The correct move is Qg2! and white can resign. There is no way to stop mate. here are some of the lines I analyzed.
I suppose you missed the [b]2...Rh8...[/b]
Rh1 Rh8+
Kg5 f6+
Kxg6 Qd4+
Kf7 Nd1+
Ke2 exd4#
Qd3 (stopping Qd4+) Rh8+
Kg5 f6+
Kxg6 Ne2+
Kf7 Qd5+
Kxe3 Qd2#
The actual game continuation was
...Qg2! Rh1
Rh8+ resigns