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Strange resignations...

Strange resignations...

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I've clawed my way up to a new high for me of 1659 but it doesn't feel quite right!

I noticed that as my rating improves my oppontents resign quicker!

My last 2 won games were resigned when I would have played on. Has anyone else noticed this tendency of players to resign early against stronger players - I use that term lightly when refering to myself 😉

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I have got to admit that I tend to resign quicker against stronger players. If I see that they have already gained a strong advantage, then they are very unlikely to blunder that advantage away when they are at that level.

Maybe you do have a point though. As you get a little higher, players are more likely to resign quicker, hence pushing you even higher still.

Now I know how IronMan31 does it. Going to strive for a rating of 3000 now. 😉

Disclaimer: I really do believe that players like IronMan31 really are storng players, and not manipulating the system to get to get their rating. 🙂

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I resign far too often. Usually I do it when I make a tremendous blunder, though it may not cost me the game. I did that earlier, and I kinda regret it now.

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I have noticed that sometimes higher rated player seem to put a game on "autopilot" after they get up in material giving me really good positions to play from.

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Originally posted by bdh191
I have noticed that sometimes higher rated player seem to put a game on "autopilot" after they get up in material giving me really good positions to play from.
I move much quicker and with much less thought when I am up material. Its a terrible habit to get into, and 1 I'm trying to get out of as it cost me a won game and nearly another lately.


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Originally posted by malinga
I've clawed my way up to a new high for me of 1659 but it doesn't feel quite right!

I noticed that as my rating improves my oppontents resign quicker!

My last 2 won games were resigned when I would have played on. Has anyone else noticed this tendency of players to resign early against stronger players - I use that term lightly when refering to myself 😉
Ask OnThePiste (rating 2181) - He mentioned to me that players were resigning games against him for no reason he could see.

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Originally posted by schakuhr
Ask OnThePiste (rating 2181) - He mentioned to me that players were resigning games against him for no reason he could see.
I'm guessing that in a tournament with an unfavorable matchup a weak player would rather save the headaches and concentrate on the other games.

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i believe it makes sense to resign when you believe you have less than 0.1% chance of a draw ...

if ironman31 wins any advantage and is in an otherwise safe position then it is time to resign ... or sit back and watch beautifully efficient winning technique.

if someone rated 500 points lower than you has only a knight's material advantage over you, then you should not resign ... you should play for a win - the chances are still in your favour!

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I took on far too many games recently and my rating nose dived somewhat, although I think 1,792 was somewhat flattering (1,650 - 1,750 is probably realistic) and there's no reason to believe that I wouldn't have lost those games anyway. In the meantime I have found a way of managing it better, but I have noticed that people have been resigning far less easily as a consequence. Partly I imagine that this is because they want to give my rating a chance to recover so that their own rating suffers less.
My own policy is to >try< to treat everyone more or less equally, if I'm not going to resign against a 1,100 player (say) in a losing position I don't see why I should resign against a 2,200+ player in the same position, although the chances of saving the game are greater against the weaker player. Aside from anything else it is possible to learn things while attempting to defend a messed up position against one of the stronger players.

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My own policy is to >try< to treat everyone more or less equally, if I'm not going to resign against a 1,100 player (say) in a losing position I don't see why I should resign against a 2,200+ player in the same position, although the chances of saving the game are greater against the weaker player.
I agree Bruce but it's hard to do. I'm a well behind in 2 current games against 2 players rated between 1380 and 1420 but I'm not resigning until they prove they can force win.

Personally I'm hoping (based on their lower rating) for a mistake on their part that I can claw my way back into games. In same position against you I would have resigned both games 😉

I played Ark13 in 2 clan games. His rating was initially around mine but his kept rising while we played and it was obvious why. He hammered me in 1 game but I had a draw in other. I had Q vs R+N with 3 pawns each on same side of board. Offered draw and he refused saying that he would take draw against player on a par or above him but not yet with me. I then blundered and he won proving his point 🙁

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Originally posted by malinga
I agree Bruce but it's hard to do. I'm a well behind in 2 current games against 2 players rated between 1380 and 1420 but I'm not resigning until they prove they can force win.

Personally I'm hoping (based on their lower rating) for a mistake on their part that I can claw my way back into games. In same position against you I would have resigned both ...[text shortened]... ayer on a par or above him but not yet with me. I then blundered and he won proving his point 🙁
I didn't say that, did I 😳? It was even materially and headed for a draw, so I tried something crazy in hopes of a win. I didn't think I had any chance of losing with the Q vs R and N, so I wanted to play on because I had a plan. Yes, it's true that if I was playing a 2200 and he offered me a draw, I'd take it (unless I was winning) because it'd help my rating instead of hurt it. But I don't think I'd have been that blunt. But no harm done either way, I just didn't want people to think I'd been insulting my opponents.😀

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I just didn't want people to think I'd been insulting my opponents.😀[/b]
No I never meant that you said it in any way insulting - you just like opponents to work for their rating gain or whatever. I enjoyed our games and that one especially taught me a lesson.

Peace Ark. 😉

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Originally posted by malinga
I've clawed my way up to a new high for me of 1659 but it doesn't feel quite right!

I noticed that as my rating improves my oppontents resign quicker!

My last 2 won games were resigned when I would have played on. Has anyone else noticed this tendency of players to resign early against stronger players - I use that term lightly when refering to myself 😉
Maybe! I killed my opponent in this tournament game Game 1212418 but was then very surprised when he resigned in the otherGame 1212413when all I had was a pawn advantage. I thought it had been pretty even until then.
But, I must admit I'm guilty of playing the rating than the player and I expect this is true of many. For myself, I tend to play harder and better against higher rated players and more loose against lower ranks.

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Originally posted by buffalobill
Maybe! I killed my opponent in this tournament game Game 1212418 but was then very surprised when he resigned in the otherGame 1212413when all I had was a pawn advantage. I thought it had been pretty even until then.
But, ...[text shortened]... r against higher rated players and more loose against lower ranks.
Especially as Qxc6 seems to win the pawn back...
Edit: Just looked more carefully Qxc6?? loses the queen after Bxf2.

I think that only very few players put the same effort into games irrespective of the strength of the opponent. I've never tryed this against anyone rated more than 300 less than me, but I'll occasionally play 1. a3 in the hope of getting a Najdorf in reverse; this has never happenned but I live in hope...
Game 1172787 isn't exactly typical of what normally happens but it's the only one I can find. My opponent clearly plays a lot of speed chess as he seems to have tryed some type of speed opening here, the sacrifice isn't correct but could be dangerous if mishandled.

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