as black???you want to play the symmetrical as black???my suggestion is don't. While the position is technically equal but because white has the first move initiaitive he can eventually break ahead. That being said, white will probably die of boredom first. but if you are interested here is a good (very reliable I know the people who run it) site and a link to the English Opening section.
more specifically:
I own this ( book on The Symetric English. I have only studied 2 sections (hedgehog and double fianchetto defense) but I really like the way the author organized it. Each chapter is on a particular line and starts with the basic line, thematic ideas for both sides(this is what I really like) and then some games. If you are just going to play the symetric, I recomend this book.
I also own The Dynamic English by Kosten ( It is a good book, but not quite up to par with the book above. It is also a repitoire book for white, so it does not cover all lines, and since it covers so much it goes into less detail (each line has 1 sample game w/ some annotated variations). I would recomend this book only if you intend to play 1. c4.
Edit: I just had a look at your rating. No offense, but there are far more worthy things to spend your time on then learning the subtelties of the Symetric English. Just buy a copy of Modern Chess openings (MCO; ECO would be fine as well) then study tactics and endgames.