Originally posted by @rookorbycrookSorry, you lost me. Are you saying you cannot log on to RHP on your tablet?
Landscape doesn't work in the RHP app, but does if you just use the web page any ideas ???
Originally posted by @rookorbycrookThis is supported by iPads, but hasn't made it to the Android version yet. Most players use a phone, and play vertically, so this isn't a priority issue right now.
No not quite, I'm saying on the app I have to use it vertically not horizontally...... Is portrait landscape view
yes is fine Russ, although when vertical its upside down on my tablet , and more frustrating I only went and stepped on it yesterday. Can get a screen off ebay so fingers crossed I get it fixed, sorry about the error posts on the pgn it seems if the top line of the post ie the date time and event of the pgn isn't on the same line it doesn't post even though you have the correct text codes
Sorry if I haven't made myself clear.. this is what I mean [Event "Playing on Chess Time"]
[Site "ChessTime"]
[Date "2018.08.20"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Ian Morley"]
[Black "Decisions"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
i pressed the box to upload a pgn , and you see how the data isn't on one line here, its on a separate line for each title, well that doesn't work when uploading hence all the error messages in 64 squares of pains ' forum. I worked out through trial and error it had to be on one line like so
[Event "Playing on Chess Tim[Site "ChessTime"[Date "2018.08.20"[Round "1"[White "Ian Morley"][Black "Decisions"][Result "1/2-1/2"]
does that make sense ???