The Beatles songs have many links with Chess.
"When I'm Sixty Four", "We can Work it Out", "You Can't Do that",
"Think for Yourself." etc etc.
Paul McCartney (white) is playing John Lennon (black).
This position arose.
The Questions are:
A). What song is Lennon singing?
B). When was the game played?
C). What are the chess pieces made of?
The first to post the correct three answers will not
get a Beatles Greatest Hits CD.
Originally posted by greenpawn34And the rest does get Beatles CDs?
The first to post the correct three answers will not
get a [b]Beatles Greatest Hits CD.[/b]
Here's the attempt (Wikipedia didn't help a bit in the pickings):
a) Nobody told me
b) Some Time in New York City
c) Ebony and Ivory
A). What song is Lennon singing? 'I'm A Loser'
B). When was the game played? 'Yesterday'
C). What are the chess pieces made of? 'Norwegian Wood'
See how nice this thread turned out.
No sqabbling or bitching. 'All You Need is Love.'
I'll leave it to some other bright person to come up with
The Rolling Stones questions.