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The best move

The best move

Only Chess

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Why is it the best move?

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It leads to checkmate in the fewest moves.

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Because everything else is just a blunder.

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Because Rybka says so

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It leads to checkmate in the most moves.

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Merry Christmas to Fritz and Rybka.

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It will set your opponent the greatest problems.

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Originally posted by heinzkat
Why is it the best move?
Because I played it!

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Because it is stronger than the second best.

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Originally posted by heinzkat
Why is it the best move?
because the author really likes exclamation marks?

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Originally posted by heinzkat
Why is it the best move?
No wish to come across as argumentative with your hypothesis driven question, Heinzkat, yet

it occurs that 'the best move' isn't necessarily always the 'best' move. Believe an opponent's

comfort zone/strengths may also represent a valid and therefore sometimes useful variable.


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Because it improves your position more than any other move.

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Subjectively because I think it is, objectively, I am not good enough to know.

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Originally posted by Habeascorp
Subjectively because I think it is, objectively, I am not good enough to know.
you're not god enough to know. i'm not either.

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Originally posted by heinzkat
Why is it the best move?
Because I said it was. 😕

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