I've heard it a number of times and I definitely agree. Even in the 2000+ level I see pawn pins totally ignored. A nicely placed bishop (especially after castling) can dominate an opposing king.
Check this game out... this is what I mean.
Game 4133422
I've also played one where I salvaged a draw from a totally lost position because of my opponent (2000) missing the pawn pin... I should look it up.
Originally posted by ih8sensI don't think I'd miss that pin as its so thematic (f7 pawn absolutely pinned by bishop).
I've heard it a number of times and I definitely agree. Even in the 2000+ level I see pawn pins totally ignored. A nicely placed bishop (especially after castling) can dominate an opposing king.
Check this game out... this is what I mean.
Game 4133422
I've also played one where I salvaged a draw from a totally lost position because of my opponent (2000) missing the pawn pin... I should look it up.
Kasparov - Browne 1979 contains a nice pawn pin.
White to play
38. Bh7+ Kxh7 39. Qxe6 1-0
Originally posted by Ragnorakam I missing something?
I don't think I'd miss that pin as its so thematic (f7 pawn absolutely pinned by bishop).
Kasparov - Browne 1979 contains a nice pawn pin.
White to play
[fen]1r1q2k1/R4p2/3Pb2p/4Q1p1/1p2B3/2p3PP/1P3P2/6K1 w - - 0 38[/fen]
38. Bh7+ Kxh7 39. Qxe6+ 1-0
how is Qxe6 check?
Originally posted by rubberjaw30when i saw Qc7 I kinda figured.. you're only other move (which won for me anyways) was back to Qd8.
so, on a scale of one to ten, what was your reaction when you saw my move?
one being completely expectant
ten being lost/bewildered/confused/dumbfounded/...
... so 8
Game 4165946 - Just gloating.
I think I am especially susceptable to those pins, not only did I miss a perpetual against you that time, but I have also lost games when I didnt notice the pin.
Game 3967889
This being the most recent example that springs to mind.
Originally posted by ih8sensI find the rook lift to be overlooked not as often but only because it isn't a possibilty as much as the absolute pawn pin. I have a game somwhere where a player considerably higher rated than me offered a draw overlooking a dangerous rook lift that lead to the win for me.
I've heard it a number of times and I definitely agree. Even in the 2000+ level I see pawn pins totally ignored. A nicely placed bishop (especially after castling) can dominate an opposing king.
Check this game out... this is what I mean.
Game 4133422
I've also played one where I salvaged a draw from a totally lost position because of my opponent (2000) missing the pawn pin... I should look it up.