I was looking through some old chess books and came across British Chess Magazine 1957 12 monthly issues published in hardback.
Letter to the editor from A.J.Roycroft-Dear Sir, Can any club secretary or match captain please tell me of methods successfully employed to recapture the services of useful players who have taken up bridge?
He gets a reply the month after from C.Samson: In order to regain good chess players who have taken up bridge ,Mr. Roycroft might try offering prizes of £100,£75, and £50 in his club championship.He could, of course either put up the money himself, or the question of how it should be raised could be discussed at the Annual General Meeting.
There are articles "One Hundred Years Ago" by R.N.Coles.
Harrwitz came to England in 1846 with a high reputation as a blindfold player. He played this game blindfold (one of two simultaneous ) in 1857 against The Duke of Brunswick.
It was, I believe the year before the Morphy Opera game.
Edit the game is a draw.
Originally posted by jb70There is no doubt the Duke of Brunswick was witness to some awesome chess-even this draw is from a wild board position.
I was looking through some old chess books and came across [b] British Chess Magazine 1957 12 monthly issues published in hardback.
Letter to the editor from A.J.Roycroft-Dear Sir, Can any club secretary or match captain please tell me of methods successfully employed to recapture the services of useful players who have taken up bridge?
He gets a r ...[text shortened]... 2.Qa5 g5 23.Rac1 gxf4 24.Qc7 Rc8 25.Qxa7 Rg8 26.Rc5 Rxg2+ [/pgn]
Edit the game is a draw.[/b]
I wonder what he would think if he knew that 100 years later people would play through games in which he participated casually!