Originally posted by tamuziI should have saved it but didn't. It's obviously not "real" in the sense that both him and I were trying to achieve this result. It's a long story but me and another player ended up just screwing around and he had this bright idea.
Now show us the PGN
We actually had to be careful to avoid mate, avoid a forced capture of a black pawn or piece and still be able to acheive a white victory.
Originally posted by SwissGambitthat's a great one, too. But wouldn't a bishop have been faster?
[FEN "8/8/8/1p6/1pp5/brpp4/1pprp2P/qnkbK3 w - - 0 1"]
1. h3 Qa2 2. h4 Qa1 3. h5 Qa2 4. h6 Qa1 5. h7 Qa2 6. h8=N Qa1 7. Nf7 Qa2 8.Nd6 Qa1 9. Nxb5 Qa2 10. Nd6 Qa1 11. Nxc4 Qa2 12. Na5 Qa1 13. Nxb3
Originally posted by SwissGambitChecking it I know it with bPb5->c5, but that version is quite some worse than yours...
Not sure. There may have been one with a Pb3 instead of Rook - but that makes the position illegal.
I should have just put 'composer unknown' - the lazy man's solution.