Hello all,
I am back!
And hopefully for longer this time.
Since i've been timed out many times in my absence.
My rating is dropped considerly.
However in my quest to win my games against "weaker opponents" as fast as possible,..
(Yeah I know, stupid stupid stupid.)
I blundered in quite a few games.
It made me think,
I always thought I blundered less against weaker opponents in OTB games then against stronger opponents.
Because how stronger the opponent gets the more complex the board might get.
But then again,...maybe I play a lot more alert against the higher ratings.
What are your experiences?
You only get the impression that you blunder tactcically against weak players
simply because weaker players (me included) play for two move tricks.
You would blunder just the same against strong players but they
play the best move in the position and only resort to tricks and traps
if the position demands it.
Originally posted by greenpawn34Some stronger players resort to tricks and traps if the player is rated significantly lower. I think I've played Walter Brown about half a dozen games and *every* time he got me on a cheap trick. He knew he knew the openings much better than I did, and so instead of the "best" lines he'd play the lines that presented me with the most landmines to step on. And I cheerfully stepped on them all.
You only get the impression that you blunder tactcically against weak players
simply because weaker players (me included) play for two move tricks.
You would blunder just the same against strong players but they
play the best move in the position and only resort to tricks and traps
if the position demands it.