I need to get my db up to date. So I went to twic and started downloading all their old games from their archive page (http://www.chesscenter.com/twic/twicp.html). However Sitting there, unzipping and then merging 200+ databases is a time consuming endeavor. Does anyone happen to know of any chessbase tricks for quickly merging multiple databases, or know of a location where all of these files can be found as one?
This is how I did it:
You'll need perl, and to run this script in the directory you download all the individual .zip files into. It will delete a file called bigpgn.pgn if you have one in the directory so be careful of that.
my $file;
unlink "bigpgn.pgn" if (-e bigpgn.pgn)
foreach $file (glob "twic*.zip){
system "unzip -p $file >> bigpgn.pgn"
Originally posted by DeepThoughtThats easy. Thanks!
This is how I did it:
You'll need perl, and to run this script in the directory you download all the individual .zip files into. It will delete a file called bigpgn.pgn if you have one in the directory so be careful of that.
my $file;
unlink "bigpgn.pgn" if (-e bigpgn.pgn)
foreach $file (glob "twic*.zip){
system "unzip -p $file >> bigpgn.pgn"
Originally posted by zebanoI had to download them one at a time when I started this process a few years ago. But with UltimateZip, I was able to unzip all the files into a single folder. Then, in ChessBase I was able to open that folder and select (ctrl-A) all TWIC databases and copy (ctrl-C) and paste (ctrl-V) them into one large database. These basic windows commands all work in ChessBase.
I need to get my db up to date. So I went to twic and started downloading all their old games from their archive page (http://www.chesscenter.com/twic/twicp.html). However Sitting there, unzipping and then merging 200+ databases is a time consuming endeavor. Does anyone happen to know of any chessbase tricks for quickly merging multiple databases, or know of a location where all of these files can be found as one?