First of all, sorry for the last post. It was suppost to be white:Kf2, pg2, Ra5; black: Kg6, Rg5. but anyway, here is one that is just as easy.
white: Kc5, Rc8
black: Kc3, Ra7 white to move and win
Originally posted by likeforest yes, without diagramed position. i was trying to get people interested in solving puzzles in there head. i will forgive you if you post one here🙂
for some reason i set this up in my head with Kc7 and Pc6 and i could only find mate in 3 starting with Qc3. i was very upset i couldnt find the mate in two so i set it up on a board and found the king move. lo and behold it works with the Kc7 and Pc6 too. one more please🙂