1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. Bc4 Nf6
I always have liked seeing black do this...
after this line:
4. Ng5 d5
5. exd5
is white's win forced if black, usually a novice, plays 5. ... Nxd5 6. Nxf7 Kxf7 7. Qf3+ Ke6 8. Nc3
instead of the usual:
5. ... Na5
6. Bb5+ c6
7. dxc6 bxc6
8. Ba4 where white gets a pawn for poor and uaually slow development...
is 5. ... Nxd5 a blunder?
or is there any accurate, proper way for black to defend after this fifth move?
The Fried Liver Attack is a fabulous opening & is well worth the try against -1500 players.
... & with reasonably accurate play white already has a won game
black to play - & lose within 20 moves😀
Here's an example of how you can hassle the black king & build up a strong attack very quickly
Game 2959312
Originally posted by SquelchbelchI disagree that after 6.Nxf7 white has already won game - they have strong attack for material, but it is not so easy to attack if black know how to defend.
The Fried Liver Attack is a fabulous opening & is well worth the try against -1500 players.
... & with reasonably accurate play white already has a won game
Also instead of 6.Nxf7 another good move are 6.d4.
Originally posted by Korch6.d4 is superior to 6.Nxf7. You must take only on f7 when the knight cannot be maintained on g5. Meanwhile, development gets priority. But still then it is not a done deal.
I disagree that after 6.Nxf7 white has already won game - they have strong attack for material, but it is not so easy to attack if black know how to defend.
Also instead of 6.Nxf7 another good move are 6.d4.
Originally posted by rubberjaw30I think that 5...Nxd5 is a blunder but not because of 6.Nxf7 but 6.d4, trying to open up the position before sacrificing on f7, there is little black can do to prevent the sacrifice and all his moves that prevent a sac on f7 are quite bad.
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. Bc4 Nf6
I always have liked seeing black do this...
after this line:
4. Ng5 d5
5. exd5
is white's win forced if black, usually a novice, plays 5. ... Nxd5 6. Nxf7 Kxf7 7. Qf3+ Ke6 8. Nc3
instead of the usual:
5. ... Na5
6. Bb5+ c6
7. dxc6 bxc6
8. Ba4 where white gets a pawn for poor and uaually slow development ...[text shortened]... xd5 a blunder?
or is there any accurate, proper way for black to defend after this fifth move?
Originally posted by KorchYeah but if they played 5...Nxd5 that is not best play & suggests they are already out of their comfort zone no?
I disagree that after 6.Nxf7 white has already won game - they have strong attack for material, but it is not so easy to attack if black know how to defend.
Also instead of 6.Nxf7 another good move are 6.d4.
Originally posted by Squelchbelch😴; oh um, black blundered their knight and queen. The game would be lost for you if black knew how to defend well and you made a few bad moves during the game.
The Fried Liver Attack is a fabulous opening & is well worth the try against -1500 players.
... & with reasonably accurate play white already has a won game
black to play - & lose within 20 moves😀
[fen]r1bq1b1r/ppp2kpp/2n5/3np3/2B5/5Q2/PPPP1PPP/RNB1K2R b KQ f how you can hassle the black king & build up a strong attack very quickly
Game 2959312
Originally posted by Mephisto2I have recently tried this (the game is still in progress, so I won't post) but after a couple inaccuracies, my attack was repelled.
6.d4 is superior to 6.Nxf7. You must take only on f7 when the knight cannot be maintained on g5. Meanwhile, development gets priority. But still then it is not a done deal.