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Two  Pseudo Knight Sacs.

Two Pseudo Knight Sacs.

Only Chess

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This is the other game I had v S.G. in his 40+ simul.
This one went more according to plan even though I cock up the attack
by refusing to pseudo-sac my c1 Bishop. Instead I pseudo sac two Knights.

greenpawn - Swiss Gambit RHP 2013

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Re the 11. Bf4 thing...

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Hi Ragwort.


11.Bf4 Qxf4 (I never even looked at 11...Qc8) 12.Rxb7 looked good, very good.

But 11.Nd5 was more forcing and as I said in the notes I did not even see
S.G. giving me back the Knight right away. 11.Nd5 exd5 12.exd5 Nd8 gives
White all kinds of attractive play which just lured me in.
I had good fun looking at and playing about with these lines. (waste of time but good fun.)

So when we got to here.

I suddenly saw after Nxd4 he has Rd8.
I can Queen check and get out of the pin but have I got anything after that.
I took the pawn and hoped S.G. would play Ne7. It was my last trick.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
I suddenly saw after Nxd4 he has Rd8.
I can Queen check and get out of the pin but have I got anything after that.
I took the pawn and hoped S.G. would play Ne7. It was my last trick.[/b]
Doesn't Rd8 lose to Ne6

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Originally posted by mcreynolds
Doesn't Rd8 lose to Ne6
Not sure,

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Hi guys.

I did not look at anything after Nxd4 and just waited to see what S.G.
played and gave a wee hoot of joy when I saw Ne7.
If Rd8 I no doubt think it I would have gone for a similiar line that happened
in the game.

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