Originally posted by USArmyParatrooperHere's a spiffy little example of a rare Bishop underpromotion. Not sure if white has to do it to win, but it's quick and clean.
I've only seen a few positions where promoting a pawn to a knight is the correct move in tactical puzzles. I always miss them, but I think they're beautiful!
Any famous games or not-so famous ones where under promotion was (correctly) done for the win? Any of your own?
Tomic - Winzbeck
Dortmund 1993
Originally posted by SwissGambitIt looks to me that it had to be a bishop or knight to avoid stalemate- a probable last-ditch swindle attempt that failed!
Here's a spiffy little example of a rare Bishop underpromotion. Not sure if white has to do it to win, but it's quick and clean.
Tomic - Winzbeck
Dortmund 1993
[White "Tomic"]
[Black "Winzbeck"]
[FEN "2r1b2k/2P4p/3R2pP/p2B1pP1/Pp2pP2/1P2K3/8/8 w - - 0 1"]
1.Rd8 Rxd8 2.cxd8B { and black resigned }
Originally posted by SwissGambitBlack has one try, B-f7. If BxB, stalemate. He can at least make the game last longer.
Here's a spiffy little example of a rare Bishop underpromotion. Not sure if white has to do it to win, but it's quick and clean.
Tomic - Winzbeck
Dortmund 1993
[White "Tomic"]
[Black "Winzbeck"]
[FEN "2r1b2k/2P4p/3R2pP/p2B1pP1/Pp2pP2/1P2K3/8/8 w - - 0 1"]
1.Rd8 Rxd8 2.cxd8B { and black resigned }
Originally posted by sonhouseOf course after Bf6+ and BxB+ black is just a piece down and the Qside pawns are falling. Still, I suppose I should re-phrase my statement. "White quickly reaches a clearly won position."
Black has one try, B-f7. If BxB, stalemate. He can at least make the game last longer.