I was wondering if there are any nice underpromotions out there that led to a victory.
Here is a curious game where I opted for a rook over a queen with 52. c8 = R. Interestingly, my opponent didn't take the rook. I thought he would. No complaints though, the additional rook led to an easier endgame. As you can see I had a little trouble deciding what I wanted to do with my King on the last few moves but eventually I saw the mate. Any comments or suggestions to improve my play are always gratefully recieved.
Game 4042274
Originally posted by Arctic JackMy mention underpromoting to a knight is just to present another reason than avoiding a stalemate in the line of discussion.
Yeah I understand that but why a rook over a queen unless to avoid stalemate, which he wasn't?
The only reason to underpromote to a rook (or bishop) other than the stale mate reason - is boosting the ego. "Look what I do! I am so smart so I don't have to promote to the ovbious chioce!" Any other reason I can't imagine.
So I am just as curious as you are.
Originally posted by Drew LThread 79133
I was wondering if there are any nice underpromotions out there that led to a victory.
Originally posted by Drew LMaybe if you always promote to queen instead of underpromote, unless it takes you to stalemate or repetitive move draw.
Any comments or suggestions to improve my play are always gratefully recieved.
Game 4042274
Your opponent's 46 ...Rxb3?? was a blunder.
What was wrong with 48 c8=Q ? It wins the Black rook immediately. Why wait so long to promote and allow Black's pawns to advance? And again, what was the point of the underpromotion, other than for show, or in the hope that Black would not take the new rook (he did not)? But that just trades your pawn for a new White rook instead of trading it for taking Black's rook off the board. Ahead in material, take his rook off the board and you have an elementary endgame win. Am I missing something?
Originally posted by FabianFnasHere is a puzzle with under promotion (from a real game) and I like the way black is just a move away from promotion with a rook behind the pawn...but still doomed:
Sometimes a knight is preferable over queen, by deliver a fork from the promotion square.
White to move
scroll down for solution
a bit more...
1.f7+ Kg7, 2.Rh7+ Kxg6, 3. f8=N+ Kg5, 4. Rxd7 1-0
Here is a clever one that XanthosNZ has often quoted. Suppose it is very quoteworthy.
Game 1086815
Originally posted by lauseyVery quoteworthy indeed. I was goig to look for that game but got lazy.
Here is a clever one that XanthosNZ has often quoted. Suppose it is very quoteworthy.
Game 1086815