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Underpromotions and early promotions

Underpromotions and early promotions

Only Chess

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There are threads about early checkmates (10 or fewer moves, 20 or fewer moves). But here is something more rare: Do you have any games with early pawn promotions (say, about move 15 or earlier), or "legitimate" underpromotions? By legitimate, I mean that they actually served some purpose, even if they weren't the best move, but some purpose other than "just for the heck of it."

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Originally posted by HolyT
There are threads about early checkmates (10 or fewer moves, 20 or fewer moves). But here is something more rare: Do you have any games with early pawn promotions (say, about move 15 or earlier), or "legitimate" underpromotions? By legitimate, I mean that they actually served some purpose, even if they weren't the best move, but some purpose other than "just for the heck of it."
not on this site, but rather in live chess!
I was in a rated tournament once, and I promoted a pawn on move six (my first move was a knight move, the rest were pawns...) and my opponent couldn't recapture immediately. We had to bring a TD over, and he stopped our clocks until another board had a captured black pawn we could use. Since I had promoted in like ten seconds flat, we had to wait for a while (five minutes of sitting at a board just waiting while others around you are playing seems like forever)

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Originally posted by rubberjaw30
not on this site, but rather in live chess!
I was in a rated tournament once, and I promoted a pawn on move six (my first move was a knight move, the rest were pawns...) and my opponent couldn't recapture immediately. We had to bring a TD over, and he stopped our clocks until another board had a captured black pawn we could use. Since I had promoted in ...[text shortened]... utes of sitting at a board just waiting while others around you are playing seems like forever)
man to do that your opponent must have wanted you to get another queen also

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Game 3170465

Promotion for a checkmate. I liked this game.

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Game 1359740

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Originally posted by mrjonesvich321
Game 3170465

Promotion for a checkmate. I liked this game.
should have done it with a rook...
just looks better...

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Nice examples, especially the N promotion, which was not for a checkmate or a fork, which are the "normal" reasons you see. Keep 'em coming!

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Not on here, but in a blitz game I once had someone play right into the (not so?) well known Albin Counter-Gambit Lasker trap: 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e5 3. cxd5 exd4 4. e3 Bb4+ 5. Bd2 dxe3! 6. Bxb4? exf2+ 7. Ke2 fxg1=N+!

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