I just finished a very interesting game on here.
Game 3481901
I'm particularily interested in my Knight sac. Was it perfectly sound?
Any comments would be appreciated.
Originally posted by ih8sensIn my opinion yes!
I just finished a very interesting game on here.
Game 3481901
I'm particularily interested in my Knight sac. Was it perfectly sound?
Any comments would be appreciated.
You seem to have an overwhelming attack leading to mate or a decisive material win unless Fritz can find a refutation.
I'm not sure if the knight sac is 100% sound, but whether it is or isn't, you are to be commended for playing it, since it continues the attack in the most forcing manner. However I would note that your 14. e6 unnecessarily complicates the game, mainly because 14. exf6 instead would have won easily.
Originally posted by ih8sensLooked sound to me - if the sac is refused (kb8) the dark square bishop check will win the queen...
I just finished a very interesting game on here.
Game 3481901
I'm particularily interested in my Knight sac. Was it perfectly sound?
Any comments would be appreciated.