Game 3491705
This game was crazy. That's about all I can say.
I am very curious to read what other people found in this game, I think there was a ton of missed stuff.
Originally posted by ih8sensWhat was the better move? I also figured he was playing for a draw but that would pressure you a little bit and he could still draw it later couldn't he?
1. He had a better move there (which he missed).
2. I would still have a material advantage.
3. He was playing for a draw because I had too much material on him.
Originally posted by ih8sensBlack can play 22. ... Kc8 and will remain a bishop up with this line.
I have:
20. Be8+, Bc7
21. Rxd8+, Kxd8
22. Rd1+, Kxe8
23. Qxc7, Qe7
24. Qb8+, Bc8
25. Qxc8+, Qd8
26. Qxd8#
Most of that is forced...
I can't find any line that equalises for white after move 19, with Bd7+ not winning back the bishop due to Bxa1, leaving white with B vs R+P.
Originally posted by PaddyBI wonder how I could have avoided a draw then... I was in a won position it appears.
Black can play 22. ... Kc8 and will remain a bishop up with this line.
I can't find any line that equalises for white after move 19, with Bd7+ not winning back the bishop due to Bxa1, leaving white with B vs R+P.